Monday, April 25, 2011

fowl mouth and super spy lipstick

today i got home and i could hear chaco from the parking lot he was yelling CHICKEN!! CHIIIC-ken chickenchickenchickenchickenchicken.
as soon as i walked into the house, i said, "really?" he looked up at me and said, "momma, chicken chicken chicken chicken.."     "chaco, stop!"  "momma...i have a fowl mouth! get it? get it?? fowl!" witty. i'm sure he sat around all day thinking of that one!

and as you can see, he's been picking up bad habits from his sister, reagan (you may or may not have seen her on FB on 4-20...)

i should probably have a talk with him.

i had to stop by walmart on the way home...i've had drain problems...thank goodness for liquid plumber! now i'm sitting here with wheel of fortune on in the mom and i used to watch wheel together. yes, i'm a wheel watcher! i've had an affinity for word games since i was young. i can pin-point my need to spell correctly to 4th grade in brodhead, wi! one night after church, i had broken my necklace and left it on the table with a note, hoping mom and dad could fix it. the next morning, my mom kinda chuckled and asked how to spell necklace. obviously i had spelled it wrong, and she taught me the correct spelling of the compound word.

and my grandma smith was an avid reader, which helped instill the desire to read and use vocabulary intelligently. i grew up loving boggle! then i found a yahoo game called text twist...which i kinda dominated-i was so obsessed with unscrambling words and mixing letters around and manipulating them to create new words that i was doing it in the car while i drove by billboards, and when i saw ads on took a few weeks, but it passed. i actually haven't played in quite awhile. mad gab is another favorite (especially bible mad gab).

so it is not much of a wonder that i have ended up in a classroom teaching spanish and english reading and writing for 4th graders, i guess. (growing up i used to watch cagney and lacey and thought i wanted to be a detective). today was a great day and a relief-because tomorrow and the next day we get our last two state tests out of the way and the pressure is off. now we can teach for fun, because there's nothing looming over us. or at least that was what i thought until today. i was approached by my principal to help one more batch of students on their 'victory lap,' so i will have a couple more weeks of helping out with that exciting adventure, then on to really having fun with my own class!

side note:
if anyone out there has an extra super-spy detective lipstick out there, mine broke.
it's hard to keep tabs on everyone when my spy lipstick isn't working. i'm fairly mechanically inclined, so i took it all apart and cleaned the corroded battery so the circuit would work, but i think one of the tiny wires might need to be re-soldered..i don't have soldering equipment (did that all sound pretty legit? i mean, i know what i'm talking about, but i wouldn't know how or what to heat up!)

alright, i think that is enough for this evening...stay away from the chicken and turkey-it could cause fowl mouth!

p.s. i just got news that someone got her birthday gift of the baby jewelry and i'm pretty sure she liked it almost as much as the dobbit i crafted for her some time ago, using this beastly image as a guide.


  1. Andrew is also a huge fan of the wheel!

  2. if i can make it this summer, we'll have to watch it together!! smart boy!(for real!)
