Wednesday, July 6, 2011

what do tiny bubbles have to do with lawrence welk?

today we had another wave of kiddos show up to the classroom. a couple of mishaps yesterday-one of the busdrivers never showed up so our principal had to call them, and one of the buses that was supposed to show up took kids to the wrong school.

i know, it may seem strange that dallas is offering summer school/enrichment camp in july. the reason that we are doing this is so that the the timing is closer to the beginning of the school year so that the kids don't lose everything that we go over. and it's mixed in with the integrated arts program so that the students are doing arts and having fun learning.

so, before i left yesterday afternoon, the afternoon arts guy asked if i had books for them to read. (this was a strange question to me because they are supposed to be doing dance, theater, cooking, visual arts, music, etc) when i came in this morning, i asked the kids what they did and they said they read the thesaurus for awhile, then they stretched and danced a little, then they read the thesaurus some more and he read something to them. hmm. then i noticed my mentor book for writing that talks about different childrens' story authors over on the table. that must have been what he read to them. strange.

during the day, our music man came in again and this time he played some different arrangements of popular songs for them, and after playing a jazzy/blues song, he asked the kids which genre of music the song was and one of the boys said: bartender! bet you didn't know that was a musical genre..i didn't!

so this afternoon as i was leaving, i said now comes the fun part of the day! (and one of the boys shook his head no and muttered under his breath,  'no.') they'd better have more fun today than they did yesterday or i'm going to be  very frustrated.

when i got home today, i asked bruno what part of the trip to oklahoma he liked best and he said he kinda liked a lot of it, especially when shea and griz were playing with the see-through balls that disappeared in mid-air. i cocked my head and asked what he was talking about, then i remembered the bubbles! so i found some wedding bubbles i bought for my class to celebrate with and pulled them out to let him play a little and guess what, he did! he tried to eat some of them.
this reminded me of a song i used to hear in my parents old car (you know, the one with the 8track!)...please click here to see tiny bubbles on the lawrence welk show! and the funny thing is she has such a twang that i used to think she was saying tiny bubbles in the water (but the lyrics are tiny bubbles in the wine although tiny bubbles in a jet tub or in the ocean spray is what i was thinking-wine was taboo in our home). and of course as i was looking for that song, i came across one of my all time favorites from SNL of the lawrence welk show-check it out! thank you kristin!

alrighty, hope the tiny bubbles make you feel fine!
p.s. hopefully there aren't too many mistakes because i do not feel like proofing tonight!

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