Monday, April 4, 2011

5 diet coke with lime kind of a day

i'm pretty sure i despise monitoring all day state assessment tests. i think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who loves it. so this morning i got up early because i knew i would need an extra dose of something special to keep me going. well, i'm a diet coke girl, but the something special today was 'with lime.' so i stopped in to walmart before school to get some.

the first time i ever added lime to my coke was when i used to visit the cays in utila, HONDURAS with my friend heidi. that was long before they came out with it in cans. so, as you can imagine, each sip took me back to memories of the islands and the beauty of it, as i stood by the open window in my classroom, there was a breeze and bright sun, and you know that in my mind i was laying out on the deck under the palm tree...but in that classroom, my eyes were open (glazed over, but open) and i was walking around (in a trance, and maybe you could call it wandering around) but no, really i was...actively monitoring.
notice the chalk board...who has chalkboards any more???
and while i was wandering around i wrote some things on my hand: babies, sandpaper.i write things on my hand, and kids ask why i write it on my hand, and the only answer i really have is that i lose papers all of the time, but i'll never lose my hand. i know, i know... what do these have to do with anything? it will come into play later, but for now suffice it to say that i was trying to make sure that no one saw my hand because those are two things that really don't go together and i was in no mood to explain and connect the dots for people. (i will soon)

As soon as i drove into my apartment complex, i saw a man with a face mask of some sort, then i saw his truck...not what i want to see when i pull up to my apartment-it wasn't actually my building, but here's the problem:

the way i see it is that he's going to get the bees out of their apartment, and they're going to migrate this way...he will purposely miss a few so that he has job security. great. well, if they come over here, i'm just going to steal their honey, so there!

and then i climbed the stairs to my apartment. did i mention i live on the 3rd floor and i hate it? so, someone just recently moved in below me, and they must have kids. my complex can be a little confusing if you're not careful. i mean, i have people call all of the time trying to find me. i'm sure they're getting used to it and all, i don't know them, don't know where they're from, but when i got to the second floor, i had to double take.

 i mean...really? i've heard of hansel and gretel. they left bread CRUMBS, not breadSTICKS! or i don't know..maybe they're having an Easter bread hunt..?

and now it's time to take chaco out for a walk. he put on his bully shirt and thinks he's tough now. typical, he reminds me a little of my friend's daughter. she loves to dress up and change and put on layers of clothes. fortunately i have his winter sweater put away.

 sorry, it was hard to get a still shot of him, because he was trying to beat up on bruno..when he has his tough shirt on, he kinda reminds me of drew barrymore's brother in 50 first dates, only he doesn't have a lithp.

it's going to be a beautiful evening!

good eve to all,

when i just went out for a jog..THEY'RE MULTIPLYING!!

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