Saturday, January 21, 2012

i wish i could eat kale every day..heh heh...

it's been a great day. i finished my application for the master's program and sent it turning back, now it's just a waiting game. we'll see if i'm the kind of applicant they're looking for...i shouldn't be upset if i'm not because i've heard that they accepted mostly teachers from magnet/charter schools last time around. (i do not fall into that category) anyhoo, it's all out there.

this new way of eating has actually been going better than expected-if you don't mind, i'll share a pic from today's lunch meal.
the salad was delish...spinach, kale, blueberries, strawberries, sweet onion and oil and apple vinegar dressing.
for breakfast i had scrambled with green peppers and onions on a bed of kale with almonds. yes, you may have noticed that i had kale on both occasions...trying kale for the first time (it was first suggested by maria, but it was also on the menu list). unusually chewy. i need to cut it into smaller bite sizes. i never thought about really eating it because at applebees, we used it merely as a garnish (i hear it keeps the flies away).

one of my friends bought the ingredients to make the biscoff fudge, and let her kids try the spread (thinking they wouldn't like it because they don't like peanut butter) and when she went to open the jar to make the fudge, it was almost all gone. smile. it's addictive, so if you haven't tried it, you might not want to-save yourself the rehab bill.

i've got so much to do tomorrow...i wish i had another 3-day weekend! i have a sub this week, so i have to make especially good sub plans. i wish i could say that i am excited about the training, but i can't. well, i could, but it would be a terrible lie.

yesterday i was walking with chaco and an older hispanic lady was shuffling by. well, chaco kinda stopped and looked at her and she turned around and said, "yes, come here little puppy, come on, come home with me." and i just kinda' laughed a polite, "heh heh." (had i been laughing for reals, it would've be A HAHA!, but the heh heh is more of a fake laugh for me).

have a great evening!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sis!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you celebrate it with something a bit more tasty than kale;)
