Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jesus, help me with the eenie meenie miny mo!

done. $18 parking. boo.highway robbery. they didn't even wash my car or wipe my windows...no service whatsoever. boo.

woke up in time! (made sure my phone was plugged in and the alarm was set correctly). my chicken that i put in the crockpot was ready when i woke up, so i put it away. then i took off early to make sure that i would get there on time with all of the correct items necessary (license)...i arrived to the plaza of the americas and after a dizzying ascent up to the 11th floor, i had my choice of any parking slot i wanted! the entire time, i was hoping that i was in the appropriate building. when i went in i saw 'prometric' on the 12th floor button in the elevator and went on up.

once we went through all of the formalities and i was seated at my computer, the fun began. i was given ear mufflers (it kinda felt like i was working at the airlines again because we used the same type of noise-deterrents around the engines). yet, even with the mufflers, i could hear this girl behind me coughing. not once, not twice...incessantly.

i don't even remember what the writing portion was about, i just remember being relieved that it was something i was comfortable with and that i didn't have to invent a bunch of malarkey because if i needed to, i could, but i wouldn't feel that great about it. and quite honestly, as i was going through the verbal and quantitative portions, i remember kinda' chuckling in my head at some of them as i watched the time tick away and instead of wasting precious time on problems which i had NO idea whatsoever, i prayed that Jesus would help me pick the correct eenie meenie minie mo! i was careful not to drink too much before coming in, and i plowed through with no breaks...(diet coke-drinking diet coke-i was not drinking before the test). when i finally finished, the computer gave me the tentative score for the verbal and quantitative, and i was a extremely disappointed because i didn't realize that they had changed the scaled scoring from 800 being the top score to 170 being the top score on the current test, so when i came out with 100-some points on each section, i thought, "wow. (long pause) i know i'm not a genious, but 300 y pico...i didn't think i was an idiot..." 

so as i left the center, there was a reflection from the glass prism overhead and it was beautiful, so i got this picture on my phone before snapping one of the plaza below.
ah, the rainbow-thank God for his covenant to never again destroy the earth by flood!

view from the 11th floor, it was so quiet from 11 floors up!

i tried to pull up the information on my phone from the site about scoring and it mentioned the conversion chart-but my phone couldn't download the info...waiting game. in the meantime, i decided to stop at central market and treat myself (whether i passed or not, i sacrificed my entire Christmas break to the studying gods, and i deserved it).

well, i read on bakerella about something that had gotten me all giddy..biscoff! and now- biscoff spread!! you don't even understand (unless you worked with me at comair! [jory, shannon, cindy]). when it comes to biscoff, the delicate european cookie, i am weak. delta serves these little delicacies and when i worked for them, sometimes we'd get a gracious, empathetic flight attendant who was on their last leg to cvg, and they would give us a sleeve of cookies. these actions of kindness went a long way in getting us to turn a flight even faster! well, bakerella has a recipe for biscoff fudge,using the spread (which is new to me)...can't wait to try it!
when you dip these biscuits in coffee, they melt in your mouth! omygosh
oh, and the other indulgence was the pecan maple nut coffee! thank you central market!

um, yes, so i stopped first at the central market on royal, and wasn't paying any attention because i was looking for the gre information, so when i walked up to the door, it was slightly ajar, so i was about to go in, when i realized that there was nothing on the empty shelves and there was no one inside. yep. not open yet, as i turned around, hoping that no one had seen what had just happened, i saw the workers getting out of their truck, kinda looking at me strange. DON'T CARE! i felt like saying, "get to work! get this thing done, i want my biscoff!" but instead, i avoided eye contact and took off for the coit store in plano. i don't give up easily.

so, when i got home, i was relieved to finally look at the conversion charts and realize that Jesus had indeed helped me choose the correct eenie meenie miny mos! now to wait for the writing-which i felt okay about. all in all, i'm glad that i wasn't feeling super confident going into it, because it's a better feeling now that i've passed than to have been confident and screwed up! yea me.

so glad to be done!

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