Sunday, June 12, 2011

well, what does bruno think?

so before i turn it over to bruno, i was watching the dual survival guys again and to re-enact 'what might have happened when 2 hunters fell down a ravine,' one of the idiots is self-inflicting a laceration on his arm so that they can show the process of cauterization. so he's cutting a large gash in his arm, then putting gunpowder in the wound and then lighting the powder to burn and deaden the capillaries so it will stop bleeding. so, now you know. if you're bleeding...just go to the ER.

oh, and i got my canner today and i made strawberry jam! now i have to wait and see if i actually did it correctly-12-24 hours. i already heard one ping, so hopefully that's a good sign! i absolutely love mom's homemade jam! ok, here he is:

hi! i'm bruno. i asked if i could write sometime on the log. and mama said a log i something i should pee on not write on and then she said this was a BLOG. i don't know what that means exactly. but she said: be my guest. that's my favorite part of the musical with the pretty girl and the big man-dog. when the dishes are singing. mama's dishes sing to me. sometimes when they're sitting there with food on them, they beckon me over and sing, "eat from me! partake in this deliciosity!" and i do and mama never believes me, i get in trouble, but it's really happens like that.

at first mama wasn't sure i'd be very good at this-something about rabbit trails. i've never been on a rabbit trail, but i'll bet it's pretty. i tried to eat some bunny trails ice cream-but it stuck on my whiskers and i got in trouble. mama tried to read watership down to me (it's a book about rabbits and their tunnels..chaco likes tunnels), but i asked her to read velveteen rabbit or peter cottontail or guess how much i love you with those two hares competing. at first i imagined hairs competing and i thought that was cannot hop up high. hair can't even talk and hair cannot go to the moon! didn't a monkey go to the moon or something? i don't like monkeys. they have hairy hands. i saw a picture mama started a long time ago but she never finished it, and the monkey is scary. if i better hands, i could do so much more! but i do pretty good for myself, all things considered.

when mama hurt her finger the other night, i was so scared! so now, i follow her around whenever she goes into the kitchen..or the bathroom..or her room..or anywhere..mostly because i really care about her-ok, not really, mostly because i'm hoping she'll think i'm super loyal and give me treats!! 

today she left for forever and when she came home, we saw her from the window and i started barking like a crazy dog (i'm pretty sure she thinks it's chaco-i always make sure to point at him and roll my eyes when mama walks in). today when she was in the kitchen, chaco started barking like a girl at someone outside and mama said, "that's enough, we don't do that!" he looked at her and said, " you don't because you CAN'T-you're not a dog! but i'll bet if you were a dog, you sure would!"  and then we went to sleep again. that's all i got! oh, and i'm pooping outside a lot more. 

don't bark, be loyal and poop outside,

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