Saturday, January 16, 2016

lotr marathon; may our adventures not be our own

weekends, ahhh, to sleep in...only sleeping in for this teacher/educator is still early. this morning, from the beginning of my walk to the end, i believe the weather had dropped about 10 degrees, because it certainly was cold! so after some eggs, bacon and coffee (with a paleo creamer-date), i was ready to get some stuff done, only it was later than i thought.

i got over to sports authority and was able to find some shorts and tanks that will serve me well for spring break, but i didn't find a suit that would work for me, so that's still on the to-do list, suggestions welcome. next stop-verizon to check into the possibility of getting a new phone. they are not my current carrier, but i know verizon works at mom and dad's, and pretty much everywhere else. when i mentioned that i had a samsung and was considering an iphone, the two who were standing there were like, WHY?! and we had a quick discussion, during which i was convinced that my original choice, getting the samsung in the first place, was probably a good choice, it's just time to upgrade to a newer model, because it truly does have all of the functionality that i need. but i am going to look where i got my last one, and see if i can retain a similar plan.

sometimes i get caught up in the whole material-thing, and most of my friends have iphones, so why don't i? but ya know what...i need to be a better steward of my money.

another thing that i did not accomplish today was to get my tea party outfit together-and that's just around the corner. this is not something i feel comfortable looking for by myself- i am no fashion expert!! i may head up to oklahoma this upcoming weekend or next and just go shopping up there--maybe i can get bmayes to be my personal fashion consultant for the day! i laugh to think of us shopping for the trappings of a tea-party outfit. smile. it's time to get out of town again-i was hoping to go this weekend, but this was one of two weekends that she was going to be unavailable.

so tonight is a quiet night- it quickly turned into a lord-of-the-rings-marathon night. i will probably be going sometime tomorrow to purchase the hobbit, so that i can continue it over this long weekend...which works out, as i have some other shopping that i intended to do. LOTR is such a comfort movie to me--there is something about fairy tales and the mix of evil vs good, in which the good ultimately wins out even though battles wage and sometimes make us think evil has the upper hand. i know how the story ends. and as tolkien has said, there is a eucatastrophe in every great story- the story of creation and the created...we know the ending. so why is it that the little things get to us? even the things that we consider big in our lives, really? not big.

now i need to go back and read the chronicles of narnia, because that is the other favorite-

when did fairy tales stop being a reality in my life? i want to be fascinated by nature again-i wish to see through the eyes of a child again, because i think i miss the magic around me much of the time! one of my favorite reads during a capstone class about tolkien and lewis was ORTHODOXY by gk chesterton one of my favorite quotes from said article:

G.K. Chesterton

“Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, "Do it again"; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony. But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, "Do it again" to the sun; and every evening, "Do it again" to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we.”

― G.K. ChestertonOrthodoxy
back to the LOTR movie-i am in love with the soundtrack as well, it is as soothing to me as the scenery.
to have the courage and the resilience, to go with a mission-never alone, always with a host of friends to get you through and give you support. to not know what is coming next, but to know what needs to be done. i do things so differently. instead of trusting God and his plan, and following it in blind faith, i make my own plans and pray for God's blessing on them...and most of these plans are based nothing on God's purposes, but focused on my desires. i need to still my soul and do more listening and be more aware of the bigger picture. it's not about me. if i'm going to use the saying, it must resonate with my soul: NOTHING MATTERS BUT GOD. may i  always be reminded, and never forget this.
may you find the right 'fellowship' for your adventures-

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