Sunday, January 10, 2016

don't play games with me...unless they're word games, then by all means! especially if there's music!

i think winter finally came to dallas...hopefully just for a short visit. it is so hard not to be envious of my friends in florida right now, as i see their pictures from the disney run, enjoying the incredible temps.

i don't think that i will be able to finish this post tonight, as my eyes are getting tired. *update-i finished*

i can't believe we've only been back to school for a week, last week seemed forever-long! perhaps it was because of the two pd/work days, and three days of data-hashing...mixed with map testing/trouble-shooting...whew!
my necessities last wed-fri for data meetings! kanakuk tervis courtesy of trish! 
fortunately we were able to go out friday night to the truck yard...unfortunately, someone had huge black x's on her hands because she didn't have her id with we left and found another fun little restaurant on greenville...which is fine, because it was a great little joint, and now we have a great reason to go back-when the weather is a bit warmer.

before we met, i came home, and i was so excited because i had a package! i didn't open it yet, because i'd planned to go walking, and i had time to take my walk-i have a route that i am becoming particularly fond of, the only part that i don't like is that the 'ramps' that bridge the sidewalk to the street (like handicap accessible or bike-friendly, not sure which) are not as gradual as i would like, they are rather abrupt, and not great on the knees- i find myself opting for the step off the curb instead. anyhoo, other than that, it works well for me.

it was a late night, so i was surprised that i was actually up at a decent time the next morning. i am pretty sure i went for a walk around mid-morning, and then i got a little work done when i got home-particularly i was able to really clean up the kitchen area. i also got a start on the laundry. then i got a text from a friend about the possibility of playing scrabble later-not gonna' lie, i was thrilled because i love word games! but even more, it was just the gesture of 'hey, let's hang out' and i needed that-good timing. what made it even better timing, was that we played at dunn bros coffee house, and they had live music-a guitar/singing studio, so there were several performers, and there we were right up in the mix of it. good-times. interestingly enough, for obvious reasons-live music, we didn't really talk much-didn't really need to; it rather reminded me of hanging out with some of my other long-time friends who can just 'be,' and that is refreshing.
may there be more of this in the future #relaxing
ready to overcome the world!
ok, so i'm sure you may be wondering about that package. if you recall from this post, i shared how i came to learn of the aeropress...well, finally it had arrived!! i didn't get a chance to actually try it out until saturday, and i think i may have had a little more coffee than necessary because i just wanted to keep using it! smooth. so tonight, i decided i was going to go ahead and get an electric kettle to warm up the water more quickly and get the keurig out of the way. i am still not ready to be rid of it completely (hard to cut the cord..we've bonded over the past 6 years), but it is on the other side of the counter. (nobody puts baby in the corner...only, keurig is no dirty dancer, so it doesn't apply here).

 and yes, i ran errands with a friend tonight and made the leap to the electric kettle. while it is not nearly as cute as an ornate 'real' kettle, it sure heats the water up fast! it works for this apt-were i in an actual house, or NICE apt, i might be more inclined to get a cute kettle. (but really, am i sitting here babbling about kettles? who does that? least of all me-i didn't think that was where this post was going, but there were some really cute ones at teavanna in the galeria!) 
the sunset tonight was gorgeous, like a painted canvas yeah. it was a good weekend, i cannot believe we are back to school tomorrow! yikes. and it is much too late, i should be in bed. g'night!


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