Friday, January 1, 2016

found my word for the year!

it's a new year! i saw something on facebook the other day that i really liked-it suggested instead of creating a bunch of resolutions to keep up, to choose a word and make that the focus for the year. i have been thinking about it ever since, and i have chosen my word: LOVE.

i'm not talking about romantic love (although, were that to happen, i would hope that he was from florida..), i'm thinking in the more general sense of the word- Christ-like love. i mentioned in an earlier post that one of my friends was reading the 5 love languages, and so i decided it would be good to get a copy and re-read it so that we could have a better discussion. so i went to half price books and got the five love languages for singles- which is much broader than just thinking about a spouse. even in just the first couple of chapters, it has spoken deeply to me- an excerpt: " a single adult you want to feel loved by the significant people in your life. you also want to believe that someone needs your love. giving and receiving love is at the center of the single adult's sense of well-being. if you feel loved and needed, you can survive the pressures of life. without love, life can become exceedingly bleak." -gary chapman i think that he hit the nail on the head with that statement as i think about all of my friends who are single (and there are several), i'd be shocked if this weren't true to some extent for every one of us.

how many times in scripture does it talk about this-hard to count (although i'm sure someone has-i'm just not going to look it up right now). like i said, i am just beginning the book; i had to make some reading adjustments...i will finish the other book i mentioned at a later date, as well as bobos in paradise...but i really want to work on this one so that i can start the year out right! not just for my sake, but for the sake of everyone i interact with-intentional. everyone needs to be able to 'survive the pressures of life'--it should not be 'exceedingly bleak' and if i can be a part of making life more survivable, i say, YES! ready to learn #studentoflife

in other news, i went to lowe's yesterday to get a thin sheet of plywood as the backing of a shelf, and when i got out to the car, i set it down and put my bag in the backseat. then i looked at the board, looked at the door...and an older gentleman was observing from a couple of feet away (he'd just gotten out of his truck), and he said, "i've gotta see this!" referring to how the heck i was going to get this in my car. he laughed as we tried the trunk, which was not quite wide enough. he then asked where i lived, as he would've taken it for me in his truck (when i declined, as i lived too far for him to go out of his way). so i said i needed it to be 40 X 48, he suggested we go back in and have them cut it to size. he carried the board in, and told his friend at the counter to have someone meet us back by the saw. the guy was his neighbor-this was his local store, and you could tell that he frequented it often!

after they cut the board to size, i thanked him, and he actually carried it back out to my car for me! humbled. when we got back to the car, the moment of truth-it fit!! but barely-without an inch to spare! he asked if i was a runner-i almost laughed! i said- someday i'd like to be. smile. anyhoo-perhaps someday i'll meet ted again- guessing i reminded him of his daughter or something, it reminded me of something that my dad would do for a gal in distress! smile.

then i got home and prepared for a new year's eve get together. i didn't have plans, and was fully prepared to lounge at home and continue in the series dexter, which i am actually enjoying more the second time around-one of my teacher frineds, jan had suggested it a few years ago, and i tried to get into it, but i just wasn't ready for it, i when the suggestion came up again, i thought, 'why not.' and now i have another series to immerse myself in- fascinating. BUT my plans changed, when solange invited me over for the evening. she is one of the most hospitable people that i know, and she loves getting people together to share her home.
i don't tell you often enough how much i appreciate you- thank you for always thinking of me!
one of my favorite things is a fire

this one-so talented in computer everything! i always enjoy hearing what his next venture is and what he is working on!
 If you know me, this is pushing my limits. i like going over and visiting with her and the kids-she has 3 fabulously talented and polite children-love them! but when it comes to a get-together with a bunch of people i don't really know...mmm...but i did it, and i didn't hate it. although note to self: while the fire pit is a lovely thing on a chilly night, you always come away smelling like...wait for it... fire pit. so, yes. i smelled as though i'd gone camping. no worries...a shower does wonders! but...then there's the question of the clothing-again, they wash...only the sweater was handwash. great. WORTH IT!!

and on the way home, i had to make a turn off to the bridge overlooking vitruvian park, as it has been one of my favorite holiday views for the past few years!
great way to end/start a year!
so yes, happy new year, may you find your word and focus on it all year!


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