Friday, January 15, 2016

dressing up, dressing down, walking and pushing cars

i really should do some shopping this weekend. i have a couple of things coming up that are going to need some attention that cannot currently be found in this little apt of mine.

first up, appropriate attire for a tea party...yes, it's true. don't give me that look (shea, bmayes, trish, ally). you know i do some crazy things for my friends, chalk this up as one of those times-pics to follow, because we're talking serious business...i'm thinking of the little collectors dolls my grandma used to buy for me when i was young... i mean, one thing we all know that i do really well is dress up, although, when i talk about playing dress up, it usually looks more like this:

my best co ever!! and dear friend to date-thanks for dressing up with me in the cabin to entertain the girls!
always easy to dress up with my mentor #mindsetiseverything
lost party-so fun!

at work-airlines a little humor when we needed it most...
 pretty determined that my tea party dress-up will be nothing of the likes of any of these.

(cue ocean waves, seagulls and sunshine!)
i am also going to need to purchase a new bathing suit and some tank tops and shorts -as i am returning to florida for spring break! just booked it-- i am so ready! love it that one of the first things shea asked for was a list of some of those bucket-list items so that we could start checking some things off. this one keeps me on my toes and truly brings out the adventurer and kid in me! #childatheart pretty sure she will literally try anything once!

last night was parent teacher conference, and we were at school until 7:30- our district does not seem to have the most efficient means of setting up conferences. we should take note of how it is done more effectively elsewhere. just a thought. but hey. it's over. so this morning when i went in to update our white board in the office (which not everyone checks consistently, so hopefully they didn't miss it...), i txt admin to see if we could let staff go home right after the last students were taken care of-due to the late night, and it was so. it's the little things. and then we had a meeting at two which ran longer than expected and there i was packing up, still listening, stepping slowly back toward the door, still listening. putting my hand on the door handle, nodding, still listening...i'm not very subtle when i don't intend to be...but i did get the ok to leave and enjoy the friday afternoon. and i don't feel a bit guilty, as i am usually the earliest one on the team in the building, so i take care of the little things that come up early.

it was a gorgeous afternoon, and i really wanted to get home to take a quick walk (i mean quicker than a lord of the rings movie...seriously though, 1.22/5mile..not fast, but it did the job); i wanted to jog today because i thought my leg was feeling better, but it really wasn't-maybe need to get that checked, but not willing to yet, i'm still going to blame it on over-use and not being used to it... it was going great until i reached the shlotzky area, and there was a guy with the driver side door open, pushing his car across one stopped to help him, so i ran over (still listening to my music), went to the back of the car and started pushing to help him out. (this seems to be a recurring event in my fact about 3 times in the past two years-whenever i see someone in that situation, i always try to help, because i know that if it were me or someone i cared about, i'd want someone to help...and it's a little embarrassing, so it seems a gracious thing to do to help a body out) up the drive and into the shlotzky's parking lot into a car slip-not gonna lie, i was a little winded after that-using the calf muscles and quads more than i expected! great work-out. actually i felt like one of those extreme car sport people:
Image result for car pulling and pushing
what i thought i looked like...
what everyone passing by probably thought i looked like.
whatevs..i got him into the parking lot (headphones still in) and i just waved and walked away, hope he was able to get that taken care of. i felt a little like a jerk once i got out of the target parking lot, thinking i should have made sure he had a phone and could call someone, or how could i help--but i didn't have my card carrier, so i couldn't even offer to help him put gas in his car if that was what he needed-sigh.
once i got home, i was going to take the boys for a walk, but they got super excited and bruno jumped from the arm of the couch and hurt his leg-dummy. anyhoo, he didn't yelp, but he was holding it funny, so i picked him up, stretched it out, moved it-range of motion-and let him kinda' walk it out inside. he makes me nervous when he does stuff like that. i should have taught them not to get on the furniture for their own sake. good grief.

the past week has been a week of being in classrooms to model. i love modeling, because it really allows me to get to know students better, and it allows me to improve my own practice. i especially enjoyed modeling in an experienced teacher's classroom-someone who is great at what she does, but had asked to see a new strategy. i can't wait to see her implement it herself with the other class and see if the kids pick up on it after repeated use. it is one of the strategies that we are doing in 4th and 5th grade and i will show it to 3rd as well so that they can be on the same page. systems are good.

next week is going to be a busy week, tuesday will involve another dentist visit. lucky me. and then more of the's actually going to be a busy week without as much of a chance to be in classrooms until the end of the week (and it's a short week-which ironically usually turn out to seem much longer). boo.

and it's official, i do not want to be a giant. ever.
long weekend-enjoy it!

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