Thursday, July 21, 2011

yes, you CAN be patriotic in the bathroom

i'm sure students like it when their day is interrupted by strange happenings, so today was a blast because the dental people came in to show them how to brush their teeth! for me, interruptions are my nemesis. i despise them because we never finish the projects we started! boo.
then we had a clown who spoke more spanish than english and his wife translated half of the show...played a couple of silly games and he only really looked like a clown bc he painted his hair blue and had some face makeup. he felt the need to yell and play loud music and i think he was trying to act like don francisco from sabados gigantes. and thank GOD my class did not win the snow cones because i was so ready to get out!
he's not the bozo i grew up with with the silly voice

today was also our 'friday,' so we had our 4th grade meal, and one of the gals brought enchiladas. well, i will be honest, i never really thought i was picky about food. maybe i am a little picky. i like food that tastes good. i brought the salsa (which is the marketside-i've mentioned it before, it is so good!) and that made it somewhat palatable. they were red, red (paprika or chili powder, and too much of it-i was going to take a pic, but it might have been too obvious). but the store bought german chaocolate cake? now THAT was money!

probably the highlight of my day was again in the teacher's bathroom-i looked up and saw the toilet paper rolls and it made me proud to be an american and pictures of a couple of very patriotic friends floated through my mind and i knew they would be proud.
look closer-it's washington crossing the delaware..only it didn't look like washington, it looked a little like van halen with a hat on (made in the u.s.a., new york)
  i guess that's a good segue to the simple solution. i mentioned that bruno was peeing in all the wrong places. well, i got tired of having to spray with enzyme cleaner and scrub-so...i thought about doggy diapers, but then i remembered what gigi, my coworker at school had said about one of her boys, and i found the 'simple solution.'
i put it on him yesterday afternoon for the first time and he was kinda' stumbling around-i'm not sure if his peepee helps him keep balance or what, but i felt a little bad for him, and so i took it off.
i mean, i can imagine it would be uncomfortable-on the package it said to 'cover his masculinity.' i suppose that's more academic sounding than 'cover his peepee.' (i've never had to refer to that before, so i'm on a learning curve). i did put it back on before we went to bed because he wouldn't go potty before bed and i didn't want to risk it (i could tell he wasn't super comfortable because he would get up and move around and change positions all night long). it worked because this morning when we got up, he went potty when i put him on his pad. it's going to be a long couple of weeks!

but on the up-side, he has been a bit more spunky and not as melancholy and eeyore-ish (from winnie the pooh), so that makes me feel a little better.

life is a circus-just keep an eye on the loud, spanish-speaking clowns (and all other clowns as well!)

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