Thursday, July 14, 2011

handlebars belong on a bike. period.

i know, it's been a few days. this week has been an un-interesting week and i've had writer's block and nothing has seemed incredibly inspiring or deserving of being written about. i think it's a mixture of feeling a little let-down by the summer school thriving minds program this year and trying to figure out what's up with bruno.

the best part of today was going to north park for lunch at the food court and seeing this man with his handlebar mustache...see it off the left cheek (sorry i didn't get a better pic) it was pretty creepy.
the worst part was waiting for panda express to get my chicken egg roll done. (obviously it didn't phase them that i was standing there in front of the straws handing them out to every customer because my tray was in the way and i must not have had my best 'i'm annoyed' face on because the promised 3 minutes turned into about 7. jerks). shoulda' gotten the fajitas.

ok, i never win anything, so you can imagine my surprise when my name was drawn today at the training and i got to choose my prize. hmm. it was between a math book and a reading book-guess which one the reading teacher chose. it figures that i would win a boring prize (it's just a comparison of elps and elar-if you're confused, it's ok, join the crowd)
they're good at trying to fool you by creating an intriguing, fun cover

this is a legit sampling of the book-every page is comparison-boo. boring.
i wouldn't have won anything, but 2/3 of the class did not return to our session today, so they called about 10 people who weren't there and finally my name. lucky me. if i get a chance i may look for some little nuggets of goodness and see if there are any gems hidden in the rough, but i have a lot of summer reading which will take priority.

right now chaco is trotting back and forth all over the house looking for a place to cache his rawhide...he just yelled at me, "momma! stop watching!" as if i was planning to dig his rawhide out of the folds of the beanbag to chew on it while he's off at the vet or something... he's a puppy on a mission.

well, if you meet up with a man who has handlebar mustache, don't try to grab it and drive away-that would be considered assault.


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