Sunday, July 31, 2011

eating marker bottoms causes rough nights

last night  early this morning, i awoke to the noise of my dog chaco vomiting. he did this yesterday morning as well (or was it the day before?) and the first thought that came to mind was that i was going to have to clean it up...good thing he was down on his pad, so i feigned pity and after a few hackings, he finally went back to sleep. and at that point i made a note that if it got worse, i would take him to the vet.

when i finally got up, i went to check out the damage, and there was something white in the spot where he had vomited. gross. so i grabbed a ziploc baggie and picked it up (everything else had dried away-don't worry, i'm not going to show it to you).and i asked him,"chaco, what's this?" he just looked up at me with his guilty eyes and said, "i don't know."  it just hit me a few minutes ago what it was. i found him doing this a few days ago:
well, i took it away from him, but i didn't realize the round disk capping the very tip was missing, i just thought it was all chewed up. nope. apparently it has been in chaco's tummy for a couple of days-thank goodness he coughed it up this morning because i know it could've gotten caught in his digestive tract and caused an obstruction (which many small dogs die from). i try not to leave small objects laying about-besides their toys, but he has this bad habit of going through my bag. 'mama, whatcha got in here?' (i totally understand the curiosity because i used to go through my mom's purse during church pocket by pocket to see what all she had hiding in there under the guise of looking for gum...but i stopped doing that last year). so i guess i'll just have to be more cautious when i have my bag out (i still haven't gotten a new one-i'll put it on my to-do list this week).

last night before i went to bed, i saw something on and this morning i was craving the cinnamon roll pancake because it looked so good! after i made them, bruno looked at it and said, "well, at least they smell good, because they look nothing like the recipe girl's masterpiece."
and he's correct, they don't look nearly as good as hers did, but that's ok because they sure did taste good! although, next time i will do without the glaze.

randomly noticed something on a friend's fb page. i haven't been bothered by mosquitoes in ages (thank goodness and knock on wood!), but the other day, we were discussing mosquitoes. personally, i don't think there are any in tx with the heat, or perhaps they're just hanging out inside their little mosquito house with a/c..don't know, but the point is the post on the page was about using listerine as a repellent. so i looked it up and it does work (the original yellow), but only for a couple of days. it has the ingredients that some plants have that repel them. just thought it was interesting.

if you notice your kids going through your purse, be careful because you never know what they'll get into!

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