Thursday, July 7, 2011

..and i called the dessert 'better than dirt'.. when i first came to this land..

not gonna lie, today i may have gotten a little huffy when i walked into my classroom and saw chairs askew, none of the desks lined back up in order and the other teacher's books pulled out and laying around.
maybe it's just me, but i learned a long time ago to leave things better than you found them. this would be a non-example of that.
i'm pretty sure that i won't have a problem with that tomorrow. (i've taken measures to ensure that). 

when the music man came to our class today, i was trying to hang with them and pay attention to what was going on, and i recognized the song and book he was singing about the poor immigrant who came to america (when i first came to this land, i was not a wealthy man so i bought myself a farm, i did what i could and i called my farm muscle in my arm ...who names a farm like that? dummy. and he called his horse 'i'm the boss'...that doesn't rhyme with horse. helloooo. and he called his son 'lots of fun' -which reminded me of a joke: if his daddy's name was winchester, he'd be a son of a gun!) ba-da--ch(the ch is like a cymbol). once he started playing music for them, i almost fell asleep-i know i was in a daze.

i don't know what's wrong with me, but i forgot the binder at home again! worst teacher ever! actually, no, there are worse, and at least i'm amazing at using my resources and fact, i think my idea is better than the original was anyway! and the kids had fun!

and tomorrow the other 4th grade teachers decided that they wanted to have 'potluck dinners' at the end of each week. i was volunteered to bring something sweet, so i made this truffle type cookie bar, only...i didn't have pecans. but wait! i do have mixed nuts! so i decided to chop those up and see how that worked...and just an fyi, the off brand chocolate chips...they don't spread very well even when melted. boo.
ok, so i tried the bars and it might've been good choice to go purchase the pecans! oh well! 

just remember that if your recipe calls for pecans...go get the pecans!

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