Friday, July 29, 2011

dog food for the dogs, peanut brittle for the people!

so i forgot to mention it yesterday, but we did a pretty cool exercise yesterday at the library. we 'wrote' a story by telling a sentence at a time, students completing each others' stories. so the first few were pretty good...a one toothed hamster, race car driver, etc.

then came the grand finale.
boy : once upon a time there was a man with a flamethrower.
boy : he could throw flames over a 10 story building.
girl: one day he threw a flame to the 7th story and hit an old lady.
boy: then he created a new invention to throw fire. (at this point the lady asked what he was talking about and he said 'like a beer bottle' and the adults all looked at each other and were like 'a molotov cocktail?' so an adult volunteer went next to get back on track).
adult: then he got a cute little koala.
boy: and the koala got a girlfriend, but she cheated on him.
          (what is going on with our students???)
boy: so the koala got a new girlfriend and they lived happily ever after.

note to self: before trying this with my students, i must set up appropriate parameters.

today was a lazy sleep in day and we loved it!! then this afternoon i had to take bruno in to check on his teeth (or where his teeth had been to make sure it was healing. when chaco realized that we were leaving without him, he was ridiculous! he made such a racket that i'm surprised doggie cps didn't come to check up on us! 

and unfortunately every time i go to my vet (which is in petsmart), i end up purchasing something extra that i had not intended! boo. my dogs are a little spoiled. because of their recent lack of appetite, i've had to mix in dog food to get them to eat it. i'm going to try something new and see how it goes once more and i'm going to wean them off of it.

then bruno got the royal treatment from the apt. managers because we had to stop in to renew our lease. they even pulled up a chair for him to sit on! pet friendly is the understatement around here. 

and now i am hungry for something sweet, but not for just anything. for whatever reason, i am craving peanut brittle. my grandma smith used to make an excellent peanut brittle (along with the rest of the spread of holiday candies and breads) i loved going up to visit!
ok, so mine is not nearly as pretty as my grandma's but it will hit the spot for now!
 i feel so bad for adam and eve because they never tasted peanut brittle. although i'm sure if they were looking at us right now, they'd feel sorry for us, saying 'poor them, they never tasted fruit from the tree of life!

good night and may you never meet a flame thrower with a koala bear!

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