Friday, July 22, 2011

monday tuesday wednesday thursday saturday saturday sunday

alrighty then...i love it when friday feels like a saturday and then i realize that it really is friday and i get another saturday tomorrow! truly exhilerating! so, dallas isd, if you are listening, i would be all in for 4 day work weeks if that would help (not that it's even on the table, but if it were, you'd have my vote!)

today has been a lazy day for us. not that we're complaining! i mean, i got first place in a word game (and that's a big deal!)
ok, it was low-scoring, but in all fairness, there were only 215 possible combinations!
i've also been getting some of my summer reading done. if you are a teacher this book is a must read!!
excellent book-easy read, but it changes the way i look at my teaching week is our last week of summer school and the designers of the program planned a field trip for to go to a library on the last day. and the teachers are required to go chaperons. the last thing i want to do on our last day is take a bunch of students to a library where they are supposed to be quiet and somewhat respectful, but the worst part is that it's at the end of the day, so we cannot work on things we need to do to finish up. bad idea. boo. but summer school is over!! then meetings start back up on the 9th-ugh. too bad the weather is so hot! it really makes it unfun (new word) to even step outside.

we talked about doing another 4th grade lunch, so i might fix something (that way i know i'll enjoy it). perhaps a crockpot dish so that it stays warm and delicious. pulled pork? meat loaf? chicken?

not much of consequence today-have a great weekend!

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