Sunday, July 17, 2011

interrupting the nap-my turn!

today the boys were not happy with me because of the soccer game. they were trying to take a nap and i kept interrupting them with claps, shouts, etc. (at one point chaco was shuddering because we usually don't get that much excitement in our home).paybacks for all the times i try to take a nap and chaco somehow finds his hidden squeaky toy right as i doze off.

i was very proud of the USA WOMENS TEAM! they played an amazing game and they should be proud of their dominance in the game-there were just some small details and opportunities that were missed. it's ok, the olympics are coming!

on another note, today i realized that it is super difficult to give both dogs a bath at the same time-it's not so much during the bath, it's the after-trying to get them dry before they trounce around the house! chaco is scared to  death of the hair dryer, and bruno just wants to run around and roll around.
he looks a bit pathetic sitting there-he had been hiding under his towel
after they are mostly dry, as soon as i turn of the hair dryer, the boys have a makes me laugh, so i let them run and jump on the bed-they get giddy and start giggling, "look at me! look at what i can do!"
it's hard to catch the action, but there's rolling and tumbling and trying to tunnel under the folds.
well before the game came on, i decided to try something new to see if it would help (the boys have been trained to use their potty pad, i've mentioned this before, but recently they have been  behaving badly, so i decided to try something). check out the video to see how chaco responded (disclaimer, their food and water is out in the living room because i put up the child gates so i could keep an eye on them to make sure they aren't doing things they aren't supposed to):

forgive me, i took the video sideways. but perhaps i can find another use for the spray... a trick or something, because it's pretty obvious that it doesn't work for training him to pee on his pad...or maybe it does, but my dog just likes to roll around in filth.

i'm trying to figure out exactly what to do with the boys this weekend because i'm going to branson to see my parents and my brother, hollie and their family; and the place my parents stay doesn't allow animals. grr. so i've looked at a couple of different options, but i'm not sure exactly what we're going to do.

alright, hope everyone is able to shake off the gloom and despair of losing the world cup-mean girls cheered me right up!

p.s. just saw a commercial on abc family for cyberbu//y-a family original about 'standing up to digital drama'
pss. if you haven't checked lately, hollie has some really cute summer fun creations! click here

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