Saturday, May 26, 2012

time to change the flapper! (good thing i don't have to say that very often)

two days at school and i got my last grades in, as well as filling out the cumulative folders-what a joy to be done with that! every year i end up not getting around to it until the last day when everyone else is finishing their room or playing cards, i sit laboring on those darned folders! boo.

and friday was field day, so i started the day off with the kids outside, "helping" with the events for about 2 hours, then i pulled out the gimp-card, and went up to my classroom to lay down on my carpeting and relax my back. that helped a ton (although my room was frigid, and i really could've used a blanket!)

this morning i took the boys to petsmart (they haven't gone with me in ages), so they were very excited and they loved the attention! until the old italian lady who didn't speak english saw them and rushed over and tried to go after chaco..he ran behind me to hide and did his little growl she went for bruno, who kind of backed up and looked at her with pleading eyes, but she picked him up anyway-without even asking. who does that??

i had to get dog food for them because i ran out and was resorting to the old prescription liver-food that i had leftover for when chaco was younger. so i got the big bag. i did look at the weight of the was a 15 lb bag, so i kinda' slid it into the cart and then from the cart to the car.

then i headed to the only arby's i'm aware of on midway because i've been craving their philly cheesesteak sandwich! well, sadly when i got there, it was boarded up and they have apparently closed down. so i went to the next thing i've been craving...
love their burgers and fries!!
when i got home, i did the responsible thing. i scooped out a bunch of the dog food into a plastic bag and brought that up so that i could feed them, and that way the bag would be about 10 lbs-my max-and i could bring it up later.
dropped some kibbles on the ground...leaving a trail...just a snack for others who are walking their dogs in the parking lot.
when i got upstairs, at some point i had to flush the toilet, but the water kept running. good thing i'm handy...i took off the toilet back and the flapper was practically disintegrated, so i had to run out and purchase a new one. i wish i'd realized this when mom and dad were here, because it would have been one more thing to keep him busy!

anyhoo, i wasn't sure what the part was called that i needed, so i looked it up and found this really cool website that shows how a toilet is interactive and you can push the button to make the toilet flush...
i may or may not have flushed the online toilet several times...
then i headed off to the hardware store to buy me a flapper!
i guess i could've called the apt. office and have the maintenance men do it, but i'm sure they have bigger fish to fry, and i'm not patient enough to wait!

hmm...what do you do if your toilet is running? GO CATCH IT!!! good to have a recycled joke once and awhile.
happy memorial day weekend!

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