Sunday, May 6, 2012

melissa is married!

well, yesterday we went over to bmayes' house to play while she was at training. it was a beautiful morning! i had gotten a text earlier from shea (one of the bridesmaids), but it didn't say anything, so i text back: happy saturday! and didn't hear back from her. so i laid on the trampoline and relaxed while the dogs wandered and explored. then after awhile i went to the back of the yard and there was a familiar sight.
laying on the tramp is one of the most relaxing things

bmayes has a mulberry tree! i picked a few and left them in a bowl for her to try. i remember when we lived in wisconsin, there was a tree in our backyard separating our property from the apt behind us. i remember running through there barefoot and the berries that had fallen on the ground would squish on our feet, leaving them stained purple.

well, then we went back to the hotel to take a nap and prepare for the wedding. we got to the church and got seated. we waited and looked around to see who all we knew. the wedding party filed out the men were handsome the bridesmaids were gorgeous (you may think that i am being slightly partial b/c they are all friends of mine...but no, it's just the simple truth, i have beautiful friends! deal wid it.) then of course there was the ring-bearer and flower girl, which can never happen without a hitch, and sure enough, the flower girl was having some difficulty because she was trying to pick just the right petals to drop, so nika (bridesmaid) took it upon herself to go back down the aisle to prompt the little girl to keep walking (she pushed her all the way down...and we were all grateful). then melissa finally got to make her grand entrance, and she was a beautiful bride!

then we made our way to the reception...what? no, we did not stop at a mexican place for chips and queso first...but it sure was good! and we made it into the reception just in time for the introductions of the wedding party-very witty. and then the dancing, watching-of-the-dancing and posing-like-i'm dancing pics.
they had a great little routine!

the wedding party dance-off was quite a show!

photo booth-best idea ever!

 then we saw them off with bird seed-visions of alfred hitchcock's the birds danced through my head momentarily. it was a beautiful night.

i got up early this morning and prepared for the trip home, and it was more difficult and much longer coming back than it was going.

time to prepare for the week!

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