Tuesday, May 1, 2012

2 great reasons to be okay with looking for a new place.

today as i was driving in to check my mail, i looked over and yet again i didn't see mandie's (sp?) car. it's been awhile now, so i stopped in at the office and asked jessica, crossing my fingers that she was just on a long vacation or something. nope. she left! without even saying 'bye' how rude. (mandie, if you're reading this blog for the first time, heads up, i'm not even serious). i mean...first shannon leaves, and now mandie, the two i've known the longest, and the ones who actually like my dogs! now i don't have as much of a reason to stay...i don't know who the new girl is going to be, but honestly, i'm partial to the previous management. and if new girl isn't a dog fan...game over.

and today i had to go get a dress for the wedding, so i had to have the shop girl help me out. i am not good at getting dresses nor accessories. the gal was super helpful. while she was checking out the lady in front of me (not checking her out...making her pay), she said to the lady, "is that your friend that i was just helping over there? how do you handle her? all she does is talk, talk, talk!" (about the talkative lady who wandered off to look at more clothing)..kinda funny the shop girl is from india i think, so she had a slight accent.

uh oh, i just read out loud to proof, and the boys stopped in their tracks and the looked at me with tears in their eyes and a sniffle and chaco said, "NO! mandie can't be gone! she loved me the most!" i tried to explain to them that sometimes people just have to do what's best for them.*

dr. hughes asked me yesterday if my parents were coming down for the surgery, and i said i hadn't planned on it, but i might think about asking them. then today maria asked me the same thing, and i said i wasn't planning on it, but i would probably call them today to see if they could. and maria said, "good, otherwise, we might have had to set up a schedule to come check on you and take care of the dogs." smile. i have a very caring staff at my school; we are a tight knit family, it's true.

so to avoid having coworkers drop in on me when i might be in my pajamas, or without a bra, or with severe bedhead....i called mom and told her i might actually need them down here for a few days if they could swing it, so they will be coming down the day before and staying as long as needed. the boys will be thrilled.

may your coworkers be as much family as mine are,

1 comment:

  1. Julie, we'll be praying for your upcoming surgery and recovery. I'm so glad to hear mom and dad are coming to help out. Give them a hug from us!
