Sunday, November 27, 2011

snowman in a cup and bonsai Christmas trees. done decorating for now.

well, it was a lazy day around the house-we worked on some minimalistic Christmas decorating. the  boys weren't a lot of help-they just wanted to play.
cutie snowman! i love pulling him out

chaco was curious, then he started licking the lights. i may not be putting them up this year. the boys asked why we weren't getting a tree, so i had to explain that trees are for big houses. i tried a tree once (a miniature), but it wasn't much fun on the third floor-hauling it up and then i tried to convince them that a fake mini-mini tree was just as good!
bruno looked at it and said, "rockin around the bonzai mama, i don't like the sound of that."
i don't think the boys are going to be very happy about me going back to work tomorrow.

apparently either the new girl who moved in next door has a boyfriend, brother or something. he is either living with her or visiting this week-not sure. but they have a dog...and it's a mid-sized barker. so when it barks, bruno and chaco bark and it goes on for longer than i'd like.

ready to get back to routine,

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