Thursday, November 10, 2011

can't always trust your gps..can't trust the your instinct!

where to go with the post today...hmm. well, yesterday i had training at the nolan estes bldg. i was pretty sure i remembered how to get there, so i took off, and trusted my little navigation ap. well, i missed the first exit bc it told me to go to the next one, then it took me to a bldg where there were lots of kids, so i asked an officer who was standing there and he said, "yeah, i think they have trainings in there if you park over there." so i went that way, and it didn't look familiar and i accidentally turned in there and got in the wrong line and had to wait for the car pool line to drop off...i think he knew he was sending me the wrong way and probably got a good laugh out of it. when i pulled up i just tried not to make eye contact with the woman who was opening car doors for students and kept right on moving. then i turned the wrong way to avoid traffic.i was fuming as i left and i'm glad my thoughts were in my head and not out in the open... i finally figured out where i was and found my bldg and the parking lot was full, so i squeezed my little car into a tight spot and hunted for my class. i strolled in right on time. (i hate being right on time. i like to be early-best seats, besides as the saying goes, to be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is completely unacceptable).

the training was decent--then when i got back to my car, i had to make like a 16 point turn to get out of the parking lot. boo.

when i got home i took chaco to the vet for a re-check and he is all clear. and strangely i went to bed early again. i never go to bed that early, but i actually was so tired i counted out the hours i would get if i went to bed at 830-it was so refreshing! just to get up early so i could get to walmart and purchase the necessities for our birthday celebration today! if you need a great fruit dip, the tried and true dip is marshmallow fluff mixed with flavored cream cheese (today i used the honey nut, but in the passed, i've loved the strawberry and the pineapple..yea!)
there always has to be a token today it was done in chalk
 we also had a little farewell ceremony for dr.jones, our interim principal. she has been very gracious with us and a wonderful advocate.

when i went to walmart today, i found a freshener spray that made me happy-it's like evergreen pine tree! nothing says welcome to the holidays like pine trees!! i remember when we were young and we used to buy real Christmas trees in wisconsin, and my mom had some type of holly and evergreen spray in a can that was wonderful and i now look for candles that mimic that smell.
well, this is close enough for school because we cannot burn candles.
i'm so excited for jr. achievement tomorrow! it's at the perfect time-last day of our 6 weeks!!  woo hoo! and blue jeans day!! double woo hoo! i have some binders and agendas to check for avid, then several projects to look at...oh it's going to be a productive day!! those ja in a day-ers better be good at classroom management and keep the kids engaged!!

why do they call it engagement when a man asks a woman to marry him? is it that he must keep her engaged until the wedding day? or is it like two armies going into battle..engaging in war?

well, i hope this has been an engaging post, but don't expect a proposal!

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