Sunday, March 10, 2013

when robin's eggs inflict pain, just keep sucking the life out of them!

how excited am i that Easter candy is out? the only thing i really like are the mini robin's eggs. i believe that i may have mentioned them before...but it's kind of a love/hate relationship. i could eat a whole bag-i bite them in half and then suck out the malted milk center...until the roof of my mouth is in shreds because of the texture.
i've put them away for the time being-i never should have purchased them.
last night i showed dad my gun and mentioned that it's just so hard to find ammo for it, and then i asked him about his little, antique rifle and he said it's just a small .22, but the ammo is cheap and easy to get. then this morning at church, he found one of his buddies who usually carries, and we went downstairs and he showed me his little taurus pt .22; it was so small, and it felt snug in my hand. i think that i may be looking at one of these in the near future because the ammo is readily available, and a nice little back-up...tiny. and it's just so cute.

last night my dad finished working on his teaching points for sunday school, and then took the pictures that dr. hughes snapped at tcea of the compartments to lock up ipod touches and an ipad or two...and began to draw up some plans. we're going to try to duplicate what we saw (by we, i mean him)...he might give me some menial job. the only part that we cannot do is the actual charging unit.
he's figuring it all out.
and then he asks me, "how big are the things you want to put in here?" as i was counting boxtops, i grabbed a manilla envelope that they had been in, and being the non-perfectionist that i am (when it comes to making things), said, "about this big." he looked at me and asked if that was the exact size, and so i had to look up dimensions on the site...i mean..close enough, right? wrong. anyhoo...i'm excited to see what he comes up with. #mydadisamazing #itakeaftermydad (and my mom in other arenas- she's pretty darned amazing too!) two awesome parents = that's why i turned out the way i did. (tooting my own horn today because sometimes ya just gotta tell yourself: "i'm good enough, i'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"

and with that i bid you adieu...(adios...bye..gesundheit...?)

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