Wednesday, March 6, 2013

i don't like to be dressy too often, but i do like to dress up!

wednesday-check! (i WISH i got a check! unfortunately more like check, it's done)

i spent the first half of my day in a science prep meeting to look at our objectives and skills we need our students to understand...i actually enjoy getting to collaborate for science! it's much different than getting together for language is so neat and packaged. language arts is just a bit messier. i feel like i walk away with a plan and i am ready to go for the 6 weeks. whereas with language arts, i feel like i walk away with a somewhat confused and furrowed brow.

finally done with all my student telpas writings and we can get back to the regularly scheduled instruction! grr.

i know last night i mentioned the renaissance festival in kansas of my favorites! it actually inspired my friend mike and i to borrow some costumes from the drama department to go to "Nazarene Night at Worlds of Fun" dressed up-we loved being in the limelight back then...and much more fun when a huge majority from our small college were at the amusement park as well! this pic made our yearbook. smile. anything for a laugh!
bruno and chaco are beginning to understand why i like to dress them up every once in awhile..
 and to think this was before i even knew about kanakuk kamps! once i started working there, i was in dress-up heaven! we had parties and skits pretty much every other night, so there was plenty of silliness! please indulge me while i share some of our party pics!
my early years at k2-flat billed grandpa caps with neenee (the dollar store was our best friend)

not only a full body 'pantsuit', but check out the awesome shoes!

50's night-trying to be like the pink ladies (grease) only not in pink...

lost/survivor party...i did have a bandage and handcuffs..

cruise party-retired  senior in my mumu (did you see how i repurposed that lei from the lost party?!)

hollywood movie producer

western party
 and i never would have worn so many costumes and lasted so many years at k2, had it not been for one of my dearest friends, trish helsel. she is certainly a rock star who loves Jesus and loves working with teens and college students and she has a knack for making people feel pretty darned special! plus she has a pretty amazing family! (in purple because that is her favorite color!)
one of my favorite people!
i have never worked someplace where i felt like i was able to make more of a difference in peoples' lives...eternal difference. i learned so many lessons and i would never change any of those summers for the world! i love that i get to keep in touch with so many former kampers and counselors-eternal friendships!

and i leave you with the thought that in the true scheme of things, nothing really matters but God! (dressing up is a distant second)

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