Saturday, March 9, 2013

what do boxtops and angel food cake have in common? nothing..i'm pretty sure boxtops are satan's idea of torture.

so...the plan was to be up and off by 7 am. BAHAHAHA! who was i kidding? no one but myself! i finally got everything packed up to go and felt like i was in college again, because i definitely packed dirty laundry that needed to be washed when i got to mom and dad's!

last night, all i could think about was stopping in to get a cinnabon. but this morning, when i pulled up, it was not open! boo. i guess that's what you get when shlotzky's and cinnabon partner up-no breakfast. so i ended up with einstein bro's instead, which was by far better for me. and we were off.

i really don't mind the drive, probably because i'm so used to it-being so close to kamp and what was good to just contemplate in the car. the boys travel so well. (by well, i mean bruno lays in his car seat and chaco just sits there and looks at me with his wide-eyed 'i know we're going to see the demon cats' look-his words, not mine...i like the cats!).

anyhoo, on the car ride, i decided that i need to pray for my students. not like a hail mary, i hope they pass...more like individually for them. for their lives. for good things. i know that will change my attitude and give me even more of a vested interest in them. i want good things for them, even when i get frustrated and feel helpless.

after dinner, i got started on the task of reseparating the box tops because i had them divided incorrectly. 2650 box tops later...i really thought at the beginning of the year that this was going to be the responsibility of the recycling committee..cough,cough..lindsey.
arch rival
 but life got better once mom put the angel food cake in the oven (she knows it's my favorite!) and of course, she has much more patience than i do. she put the thing on top of a bottle to let it drop from the pan...whereas me? i would take a fork and eat it as if out of a bowl...angel food bowl cake. yep..true story.
mom's the best!

and it was worth the wait for the glaze. this made up for stupid shlotzky's/cinnabon failing me this morning!
and when i came in to check on their computer and make sure it was still here, i saw these apple heads my dad started last time i was here to show to one of his friends.
if you remember ahile back when i was teaching my students what dehydrated meant, i made one of my own (check him out here-fun poses)..i'm pretty sure that i mentioned that he had taught me to make them when we were little...yes, instead of eating apples, we carve them..healthy family! i learned a lot from my parents!

bruno found the bag of treats..he's so smart.
can we? huh?huh?huh? can we? if you don't we'll start barking at the cats again.

it's gonna be a dog eat cat...or cat scratch dog kind of a week.

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