Saturday, March 2, 2013

lorax for a minute

oh my goodness. so...yesterday was dr. seuss' bday, and i must give a huge shout out to our librarian, ms. murphy! she did an amazing job promoting it and getting everyone involved. the students really enjoyed it! there where hidden hats all around the building (i'll bet more teachers were trying to locate them all than students!), there was a picture station, and seussical readings. many teachers dressed the part and got their students involved as well. good times!
so this was how i started the morning, as the lorax, only it was much too warm to do all day long (fake foam mustaches do not stick when you sweat)
 when i went to walmart the night before, i just got 3 yd of orange fabric and made the easiest costume i could! it reminded me a little of when gigi helped me throw together a dorothy costume a couple of years ago! gigi's the bomb at this kind of thing! anyway, once i took the outfit off, i went for the improvised wocket in my pocket (no matter that he looks more like a gecko than a wocket...)

our data meeting went as planned...rough. but hey! everything with a grain of salt (or a salt shaker full)...once we disregarded the info we felt was useless, we figured out what we really want to focus on, and it's forward march! (as in march, st. patrick's day, spring break....) yep, there is growth, but again we want so much more for our students!

yesterday after school, we went to the standard pour, which was quite relaxing. thanks to xochitl and lindsey for good conversation, but next time we may need to steer clear of the cheese tray. the udderly spreadable cheese was one of those that i felt i needed to keep picking at even though it was far from enjoyable. "stick with the corn and the squash babies," that's what she said.

this morning, i was up early-because the boys were up i got some small stuff done while i was waiting for the right time! when 9 am rolled around, i jumped in my car to go to the bullet trap. this is the first time i've gone to shoot by myself, so i was excited about it, and a little nervous. but once i got in there, i was feeling right at home. i just wish i'd had more ammunition because 50 rounds goes way too fast!!

all lanes were full, so when i went in, i had someone to my immediate left. it was an older lady, and i looked at her target and hoped i could do better...and once i got started, i was so engaged in what i was doing that i didn't even notice when they left! 
i'll be spending a lot of time here over the course of the next year, as i need to make the most of my membership!
 and while i was waiting in line to checkout, i looked to my right and saw all of the knives for sale, and this one caught my eye! i haven't had a hairbrush like this since i was little...actually i've never had a hairbrush quite like this-the brush pulls off and it becomes a knife!
so..a mugger comes along and i say, oh, just a minute, let me comb my hair really quickly before you take my money!
anyhoo, this afternoon on the agenda:

1. purchase dog food- i ran out. today i fed the boys some 'special' dog food that i had left over for chaco when he was on his prescription diet and i could only buy his food in a 20 lb bag (he only eats a 1/4 of a cup a day)'s not bad for them, but it's full of stuff that fattens them up-not what bruno needs!

2. take the dogs to the park-the one by petsmart- see if the ducks are out, change things up.

3. clean out the car- got to get ready for the drive to mo.

4. go to cabella's to see if they have the ammo i need to take with me to mo.

i think that about covers it for today!


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