Saturday, March 17, 2012

i'm a great candidate! pick me!! i can also paint murals and tell jokes!

well, it's been a long couple of days, and i am tired, but i feel like i just have SOOOOOO much to do still and not enough time to do it!

yesterday i went to help procure the appropriate paints, but i really wasn't much help and although we all arrived at 10:00 a.m, we still weren't done until about 2:30! woah. and it ended up costing us a pretty penny...we may have extra paint left over if anyone from school is interested in painting a mural in their classroom! i could draw it, you'd be in charge of painting it, though!

when i got there, i noticed this in the parking lot; i guess someone was really nervous about their home repairs or something....

the colors were plentiful, but we went for basic warms, neutrals, and cools so that we could mix our own! woo hoo!!

and i am pretty sure that the home depot bathroom should win some sort of award for cleanliness of a public restroom!
this morning i got up earlier than i desired so that i could go over to the school and do some outlining for the paintings on some of our walls at school. i went straight upstairs and started my hot tea and got my projector out and went to work on the science stuff upstairs and ms. camacho went down to the kindergarten hall to do some of her stuff down there. i was later joined by dr. hughes for a bit, and later she and sandra kinda' switched out and we finished up the science upstairs and then made our way down to the front wall to work on the social studies portion.

tomorrow i am going to work on the cafeteria mural and then we are going to have to wait on the wall that looks out into the courtyard because they have to re-mud, dry and paint the wall so that we can get it ready for reading stuff...that will have to happen some evening this next week (probably thursday or friday evening..i think tuesday or wednesday we have parent conferneces. boo. you know how much i love those.

well, i would've stayed longer today, but i had my 4 hour group interview today. i can't really talk about it because i signed a confidentiality agreement, but it was long. interesting how you can feel like you did a great job, but then still not be sure if the answers were what they were looking for. (it seemed like i was out of my role plays earlier and than everyone else-which i will just attribute to being more articulate. smile) i won't find anything out until sometime in april. 

the cool thing about the building we were interviewing in today was that the bathrooms have blue dye in the toilets for cleaning purposes and well, since it's st. patrick's day, it was perfect because i told you how the multivitamins make me pee fluorescent yellow...well, i didn't take a picture, but today, those toilets were looking irish!

as i was walking away from the bldg after the interview, i thought, well, the positive is that i am already putting money into savings for this program, so if for whatever reason i don't get into it, i'm going to have money for something special!

and that's all i got...trying to impress people all day long is exhausting!

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