Wednesday, March 14, 2012

cutting it close at the grocery store and being a good human

first day back-thought i was up at 8:30, and time seemed to go by really fast when i looked at my computer clock...i had forgotten to change the microwave clock when i got back. so i was actually up at 9:30, and time was not, in fact, flying by before my very eyes. good thing.

and when i got on the scale this morning, i thought i had gained more weight than i did over the weekend....shea makes me eat things that are bad for me. (but in all fairness, we ate some things that were good for us as well, and she let me talk her into putting ground flax seed into her smoothie!) so i was pretty thrilled about that. and i wouldn't have it any other way!

we walked for a bit today and then i debated on whether to walk up to tom thumb or drive, so i walked. i took my recyclable bag and bought some of the necessities. i needed my veggies, fruit and salmon. when i got up to the cash register, i had only put $34 in my pocket because i didn't want to take my bag with me. so i was watching very closely as the gal was ringing everything up. so when it got up to 31.54, i only had one thing left to ring up and i asked her to price check it first-$1.50....i did it! i was within a dollar of my allotment! so i got the blackberries!

as i was leaving the store, there was a young guy sitting on the brick wall outside by the grilling mesquite wood and as i walked by, i was taking my jacket off to tie around my waste because it was warm out, and he said, "excuse me, miss, do you have a couple bucks? i'm trying to get enough money to buy some groceries."  i told him i had no money left, finished tying my jacket and then grabbed the 80 cents in change and went back and gave it to him and wished him good luck-i should've offered him some of my veggies or something. hindsight.

i was very happy that i had remembered to grab the remote gate opener from the car before i left so that i wouldn't have to wander down to the pedestrian gate...i guess i could've used the access pad...again, time!
nothing fancy
when i got home chaco found something and was chewing on it and i knew it wasn't food, so i tried to get it from his mouth. afterward our discussion was something like this:
chaco: why are you always sticking your hand in my mouth?
me: why are you always putting stuff into it that doesn't belong?
chaco: because i'm a dog and that's what we do.
me: well, i'm your human, and that's what good humans do.
chaco: good humans put their hands in others' mouths?
cannot wait for tomorrow-another beautiful day of spring break! i have some drawing that i must finish, but perhaps i can do that outside!

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