Sunday, March 11, 2012

teepees, thunder and napping!

wouldn't it be nice if whenever you drove into oklahoma, there was a group of people standing at the border dressed up in bright dressy clothes that would burst into song and sing oooooooo-klahoma where the wind comes sweepin' down the plains.... well, it would put a smile on my face anyhow.

i do love that the rest stop picnic tables are set up like teepees! that's pretty cool!

so i got to norman with no major mishaps, but when we pulled in and i went to get chaco out of his dog seat, he had had a little accident, and he wet himself (this usually doesn't happen in the car, and we even stopped to walk at the rest area).i don't really know if it happened en route, or if it happened once we stopped at the apt. complex and shea was at the car door-chaco was so excited to see her!so i came in and fortunately shea is a dog lover, so i gave him a quick bath and he was much more comfortable and presentable!

then we went to grab lunch with merce and bmayes at cool greens (a wonderful little salad/pizza place) and on the way home we made a stop at hobby lobby to grab some essentials for our crafting day with jrob. smile. then we came home to just play with the boys for a bit before leaving for the thunder game! it's nice to be vip...we got to go down to the pub and have dinner and then we grabbed some popcorn to take down to the game. best popcorn i've had in awhile! (saltiness) was a blow out-the thunder are having a great year!

this morning we got up in time (remembered the time change)! and went to church with bmayes and sarah.

then shea began clearing off her table (i thought maybe for lunch), then she started getting out the canvases and the paints and was ready for some crafting. and now they're all black. don't ask, just trust!

i am trying to convince shea that she needs to teach down in roatan at childrens palace, where my dear friend, nina, is an administrator. i think it would be such a neat experience for her! (not to mention, there is a group of pals who would be more than happy to go down to visit and rent out an island!)... i wonder if they have a class she could teach about rest and relaxation?
chaco loves cuddling even with shea!
we're off to the grocery store to get items for dinner tomorrow night and fudge today-not to eat, to share of course...

well, more adventures later,

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