Thursday, September 15, 2011

if you have bluetooth, you can either try to brush it with crest, or pair it with your car system!

today is independence day for HONDURAS! warmest wishes to all my catrachos out there! VIVA HONDURAS! when i was in school, this was the day of the big march and parades. every day at school we would practice for the parade and make sure we were marching so that we looked sharp on the day of!  to graduate from high school, we had to memorize and discuss the chorus and one of the verses of the national anthem (they gave us spanish language learners a break. smile); at the time, i was not happy about it, but now i am so glad that i did!

over the last few days, i have been trying to figure out how to get the bluetooth in my car to work. this morning i finally figured it out! (i looked in the manual). so i was so excited to get in the car and use it! i love that it linked up my phone music as well! nifty.

i had my back appt today and when i got into the lonely room, the assistant came back with a file and said, "i see you've had several medications," and opened the file that was about an inch thick.FIRST OF ALL, I DON'T REMEMBER BEING ON LOTS OF MEDICATIONS...ONLY 2 and sparingly at that! i looked at it and it said julie robinson, but then i noticed how thick it was and that there were dates back into the past few years. so i quickly let her know that this couldn't be my file. so she looked closely and the id number did not match up, they pulled the wrong file on another julie hmm...who knew.

and when the doctor came in, has hit a few different pars of my body with his little rubber tomahawk. and then he asked how i felt and what i wanted to do. 1. go home and just see how the exercises continue to help or 2. get an MRI. hmmm....let me think $0 or....$400-3500...tough call.

then i went straight to cvs to pick up the just-in-case prescription. and while i was there i saw an unfortunate balloon. i'm sure he just wanted to try to get out of the cage for a little freedom. little did he know that the cage was actually protecting him.
yes, i always find a reason to stop in the card aisle. and today, it was well worth it! i found the most amazing card!

sorry, it's sideways...but you gotta' listen. and the unicorn comes off so you can carry him around!

 when i got home, it was so beautiful out that i thought for sure the boys would want to go for a walk. so i got them all harnessed up and this is what happened.

yep, there's bruno. he just sat there. so once again, we took him back.
 so it was just me and chaco.
"mama, we gotta figure out what's the deal with bruno, i miss walking with him."
chaco has gotten really good at walking off the leash as long as he doesn't get too distracted. and i still don't trust him around other dogs. so the leash goes with us and we start out on it until we get out into the wide open space out back.

hope tonight you dream in a silly unicorn voice!

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