Monday, June 9, 2014

procrastination just took up so much of my time today!

today i have been procrastinating. but i had a good reason. (no i didn't) (YES I DID!) (no, i guess i really didn't)....i cannot...CANNOT be trusted to go into barnes and noble to get just one item. it's true, i am the one-item-failure.

so i decided to try it at petco and once again, BIG FAT FAIL. although i did find some really cool toys and chaco hasn't ruined his yet! it's been all of an hour since i brought it home. give it time. as i was at the checkout, petco has their little snack bar for dogs, but it smelled good enough for humans...look at these! i was tempted until i saw the fly.
i mean...chocolate chip cookies? i'm IN!!!
upon checking out, the cashier girl was a chatty, and she asked what kind of dogs i have.
me: yorkies
chatty: oh, i want to get a schnauzer or schnauzer mix, they do adoptions through a rescue here. i think they're the coolest! especially the mixes because they have the coolest names, like schnitzu, schnorkie,  i could even name it whatever the mix name is if it's cool, like schnack russell...i would be like, this is schnack. and people would say, "snack?" and i'd say no! SCHNACK! 

yes, that conversation really happened. i'm sure she practiced it in the mirror at home and uses it as her go-to conversation line. thank goodness there was someone behind me and i was able to leave without incident.

before i hit up either of these stores, i had to stop at radio shack to see if they could help me with my phone. for some reason my 4g was not working (remember when i had a pager...and no clue what 4g was because it wasn't in, i'm older than i would like to admit!) so when i walked in, i wanted to take it over to the young black guy who was stocking things, because i figured he'd be able to help me better than the elderly white gentleman at the counter, but i went up to the counter because i wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt since he does work at a technology store...the A/C was perhaps too cold because his nose was at the dripping point, and i kept worrying that it was going to fall onto my phone, but just in the nick of time, he raised his hand to wipe it off and continued to swipe across my screen. in my head i was racking my brain trying to think if there was anywhere that i had sanitizer. unfortunately i switched bags, and left the bigger little one in the other bag. and i had used the last of the vial-sized two days ago, when i was down for jury duty.

he ended up having to take it back to someone in the back and they were able to get it re-installed-apparently it was a really easy fix- i just had to pay my bill. i didn't realize that i had it connected to the card that i had to cancel, so i immediately got that taken care of-no worries, i will not have to pull the pager back out.

part of the procrastination period included some letter-writing, which is nothing out of the ordinary, i tried to make it a marathon; pulled out a bunch of addresses and got started, but i have SO many more to go! i have so many little things to do, and 3 weeks within which to do it, so i really probably ought to pull out a whiteboard and start making a list and crossing these items off! (i learned that one from Dr. Hughes; and it works!) 

tomorrow after our first day of summer school, we have our kick-off for personalized learning, so i am guessing we will have a little better idea of what we will be looking at over the next few months of exploration. feeling a little like jean luc picard going boldly where no man has gone before-star date 2020...i know, i could've use cptn kirk, but his uniform was ugly.

alrighty then, time to get back to planning..tomorrow comes too early.

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