Monday, June 23, 2014

good self and bad self just need to learn to get along!

can you believe it? ONE WEEK!!!!!! (ok, enough of that)

ok, i have a quandary...this hasn't happened in like...EVER! good self and bad self are at odds and not talking. stick with me, i need to get this resolved before vacation begins, or we're going to have problems!

it all started while i was at school and good self, which we'll just call GS for short- obviously, and appropriately bad self is then dubbed BS (karma, bad self!); but i digress...GS went out to the garden to check on everything and found the garden to be very giving after a 3-day weekend and some rain! i took a variety of veggies into the building to clean, and then decided that i should stop by tom thumb grocery on the way home for  cauliflower and a jalapeno.
this was the big deal-minus the okra....please note that the toms on the plate are going to ripen, but i did arrange them in color-scheme green to orange-ish. good job, GS!
so i stopped at the store for my cauliflower and jap, and i was drawn like a moth to the was almost as if i was in a trance when BS reached out and opened the freezer door containing the tiramisu gelato. i will admit, i almost didn't even catch it!

when i got home, i couldn't even get it into the freezer before bad self was lifting off the top and digging in. good self kept putting the top on, but BS kept saying, "no, it's uneven...just one more bite". finally i was able to get it into the freezer...for 5 seconds before i had to pull it out to see if it still tasted good. i'm not even joking around about this. good self said, "you've been working so hard, don't ruin it now!" and bad self just guffawed and said, "i guess you'll be doing burpees until 2am, eh?" (bad self is a jerk). 

so, here's the truth, even though it's breyers, and not real italian gelato, it is still 50,000 times better than regular ice cream. if you couldn't tell, regular ice cream is not the way to my heart. i never should have tried this stuff. now i understand how it must be to get addicted to crack after the first time. i completely underestimated the power of gelato.
don't be deceived, this wasn't where i finished...this was pretty much the first bite...
in other business, when we were walking around the complex the other day, i was thankful that it is such a pretty area. blessed by the beautiful landscaping and the fountains in the various ponds. 
crepe myrtles
but then there are the cons...there is so much poison ivy lining the back path that i can't let the dogs roam-they are too curious.
poison ivy...if you need a reminder to recognize it, put your hands on top of each other, palms up-that's the middle leaf, then move right hand right, and left hand left, and there are your outer leaves.
 the other issue i have is that my mud dauber friend, has decided that she needed a two bedroom instead of a one-bedroom she had in the previous post. i'm not impressed. ok, i am actually a little impressed, because she did that rather quickly!
just needed a little addition.
 and back to the garden, today i was super excited when i found that the canary melons are growing! they will obviously not be ready before i leave, but i am hoping that they will need an entire month to ripen and be ready for pickin!
this is exciting! i know there are at least 3!
 the one thing that i didn't get a picture of due to low battery, was the cucumbers! WHAT?! they won't be ready before i leave either, but boy are they cute! i know, i sound like a proud mother-i will post pics tomorrow! they really are kinda cute. (i think i counted 3)...if they are anything like the tomatoes, we will have an abundance!! seriously, i left on thursday and had picked until there were no more red, or blushing tomatoes, and go back to the pic you saw at the top-all of those were out today!! ridiculous, i tell ya!

we also had okra-i did post that one on fb and instagram, and mentioned that i really don't know what to do with them, although i HAVE had them fried (in HONDURAS with a missionary family from the south, and also at the classic lamberts cafe in ozark, mo)! the problem is i don't have the energy to bread and fry okra this week..a couple of friends offered up some great ideas-i will have to wait until i get back to try them-i gave them to jason, our custodian, because i am certain that his mom knows exactly what to do with them!

well, like i said before, good self and bad self had better start acting like a well-oiled machine, because i'm pretty sure i'm going to need a little bit of both of them over the next month!
 i'm sure i'll wake up tomorrow morning and they'll be bff again!


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