Monday, June 2, 2014

don't mess with my bundt cake and HONDURAS, and i won't have to punch you in the face.

today was another full day. career day, feedback, writing prep, smart potatoes, AWARD, more smart potatoes...and when i got home, i finished smart potatoes...(uy, papa)...

it wasn't a bad day, just a full day. it was productive, and i feel that i was able to get some stuff done, yet there are other things that are undone, that need some doing.  i am proud to say that i got one of the posters up that wendy and i were trying to get up, and one more to go...i would've gotten that one up as well, but there were screws sticking out of the bricks that would've punctured the already frail poster. so  i will speak with the custodian when i get back to school to see if he can help...i may just go get a hacksaw and cut them off-that would be the easiest, and isn't everyone in need of a good hacksaw? yes.

if only i could remember all of the one-liners that were spewing out today when andrea and i were conversing in the morning. they were funny. i laughed. but obviously not funny enough to remember-she even said we should write them down. oops. i needed my go-go-gadget recorder.

smart potatoes...what are smart potatoes anyway? well..we DID grow them at the school. 'nuf said. only not really. the students planted the potatoes back in february or march, and we just harvested them today-over 100 days. the key was staying away from the ants. they did a pretty good job. (i need to go back after the fire ants later). so the students harvested, weighed and sorted the potatoes. they may or may not use the information to create a graph tomorrow. i ended up having to re-weigh all of the grams...on a triple balance beam because accuracy is not a mastered fifth grade standard. anyhoo, andrea helped me out with the first few, and i was going to use the students' numbers until i lifted the bag and realized how heavy it was and that the numbers certainly did not add up.

how did i know? you're talking to the girl that lives on the 3rd floor and has to carry groceries up the stairs..i know the difference between 10 lbs and 25 lbs! so i stayed after our meeting and weighed the remainder of the pots so that i could take them in to the food pantry (which i plan to do tomorrow after jury duty). and the total (if i recall the numbers from school that i jotted on a paper) are about 35 lbs of potatoes from two raised beds. not a bad haul considering last year was pathetic little pea-sized potatoes!

this afternoon we received a prestigious award from real school gardens for the integration of the garden into our lessons and making it part of our cabell culture. that was really neat. it came with a $500 gift, which we will be deciding how to use in the near future! woohoo!!

and during our feedback, my principal told me that if she were the lawyers, she would pick me to be on the jury. fair and am trying to find a t-shirt and a book that have something super controversial on them...i don't have time for this kind of thing. hopefully they will fill their white-woman quota before they get to me.

and this afternoon, the math facilitator, carol, came in and she is so thoughtful- i feel like she kinda' adopted me as well when my first facilitator flew the coop and went to a different division...but while she was meeting with andrea, she brought us each one of these, and i was in heaven!
you think i someone said, "julie, i will give you a NOTHING-BUNDT-CAKE if you let that sumo wrestler fall on your head." i think i might do it...on the other hand, if you said, "julie, i'll give you a NOTHING-BUNDT-CAKE if you fore-go your trip to HONDURAS", i'd probably punch you in the face, take the cake and run to the boarding gate! so, don't do that...i don't like to punch people in the face.

alright, it's bedtime..jury duty comes early.


  1. Thank you for all of your amazing work for REAL School Gardens!

    1. It is truly an amazing experience! It really does make a difference with our students; the engagement has been an eye-opener for our teachers. We are very fortunate and thankful for the opportunity!!
