Friday, June 13, 2014

17 and a half, but who's counting? and sidenote-i hate working out. just wanted to put that out there.

did i watch the world cup games today? why, as a matter of fact, i did! i don't watch sports on tv like i used to. i had a streak when i was an avid american football watcher (pro, not college), but i have lost interest in that-mostly because of the ridiculous fame and fortune piece, and the ludicrous amount of money they make and the terrible role models that so many of them are.

that said, the fact that so many of my friends are into futbol, i have decided that it is something that i am willing to get back into. it goes with the idea of being knowledgeable about the things your friends and family are interested in so that you can have intelligent discussions or at least know what is being talked about. ;) the only game i'm truly interested in is when HONDURAS plays. call me's ok, do it! i AM BIASED! and just for the record, if the US goes up against HONDURAS,  guess who i'm cheering for? hint-i'll be yelling in spanish...

now. so...17 and a half days...but who's counting?
yes, self portrait! that's why i am not a police sketch artist...because real suspects are not cartoon caricatures...
 with summer school we have 3 day weekends, so today i took advantage of that and exchanged a pair of pants i purchased the other day...they had a tiny little bitty fray, and it was in a slightly compromising location. i thought about DIY repairing it, but then i thought, "self, c'mon, you just spent money on those, you shouldn't have to do anything to them..." so i talked myself into driving back up to allen to return them-it's such a drive, at least i had good music to listen to! i tip my hat to natalie for doing the drive for so long and to destree who drives from even further every day....God bless them! i couldn't do it (i did for a bit, that's why i moved).

today it was a good thing i am not married, because i went in merely to exchange and walked out spending more than i had planned...quite a bit more. does that even happen??? i am not a fashionista...i do not LOVE to dress fact, i don't even really LIKE to, but i will and i do when the occasion calls for it; i'm so much more a athletic shorts, tank top and chacos gal-if there were a quiz for most appropriate job, i would be a KANAKUK sports counselor for works with my preferred style! so, it was surprising that i spent that much time even looking and trying things on.

this morning before i went, i watched LONE SURVIVOR. i was expecting it to be pretty vicious, and the title is pretty much a spoiler alert in and of itself, you know that all but one was going to die. it was the ending that got me. i absolutely loved the ending-it was touching. the tribes that have a 2000 year old code of honor to safeguard an individual from his enemies and protect him at all costs. that blew me away.

PASHTUNWALI (the code)... if only more people subscribed to this code on a personal basis-physically, emotionally, a Christian, shouldn't this be a code that resonates with me? i dare to say that it should; at all costs. it's easy to think that i would do that for friends and family, but would i do that for a stranger? (a little self reflection is in order).

so, as i am preparing for travel, i am packing several different bags-some for HONDURAS, some for mom and dad's, certain things that will go with me to for the boys, and one for va/md- STOP THE INSANITY!! (only, not really, bring it on!! oh marathon summer! I'LL TAKE YA!) i had some questions for sheryl, so we took care of that last night and this morning-what would we do without facebook and email?? i don't 'chat' on fb much, but questions have been a great excuse to chat! not that i need an excuse- i just don't do it very much-although, i will say it always makes me smile...i guess that's the great thing about communication, it can be a great source of joy.

and i just finished a workout. i did not want to work out. i hate it.  but i made myself do it. every time i have to force myself and talk myself into it...there is never..nevah, evah, EVAH a time that i think, "wow! i can't wait to work out!" (it's JUST. SO. MUCH. WORK!) but i do it-not because i love it (we just went over this) i do it only because i know that it...wait..i don't really know why i do it... but i suppose just knowing that i should do it makes me feel better about doing it.only not really. i just wrote that to try to convince myself, i think.

i'd much rather be bruno, who regardless of where we are doesn't mind looking a little lazy...oh to be more like my dog!
wouldn't it be great to be in public and just lay down wherever you wanted to-don't mind me, just resting. i'll move again when i;m good and ready, and not until!

alrighty then..i'm going to go ahead and spend the rest of the evening pretending to be bruno, only with a good book!

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