Thursday, June 30, 2016

week 1 feels like a month (in a good way)

week 1: success! 

yes, it was a fun week, successful on many fronts. learning, getting to know different divisions, getting to know the other trainers (they're all spread so far apart!) and i didn't gain TOO much weight, even with all the feasting! i really do like the assembly of personalities and minds that comprise the training department!

the entire week was filled full (redundancy) of information-information-information! so, have you ever seen the episode of star trek, next generation where data shuts down and has to be rebooted? if there were a switch on the back of my neck, i think someone might have to go and flip it and put in a new card or something for more space...

this morning was the end of the conference, but it was really just the training team having an intimate-family breakfast. and i got all of my important stuff taken care of so that i can get paid! i am in love with the offices! it is SO kid-friendly, and fun...i would love to see some kids from our feeder pattern go through on a field trip and learn about the many different career possibilities in a company like Istation alone!

amazing what all goes into making the program happen! 
 just a few minutes ago, there was a knock on the door and of course a chorus of barking ensued...when i looked out the peephole, there was no one, so i prepared my ninja skills just in case there were someone hiding around the corner, just out of sight...fortunately i did not have to injure anyone tonight. there was a small box sitting in front of the door. hmm. strange, i haven't ordered anything in quite awhile. guess what came in the mail  hands of the fedex man:
i am SO impressed that brian was able to get these cards knocked out so quickly (i mean, he didn't print them himself, but he did gather the info and get them ordered in such a short turn-around!) just a little more official!
and i am really excited that there is a training opportunity in which i am going to be able to hang out with some great trainers and get to know them better, as well as observe and take in some new techniques and skills!

the boys were happy that i was home by noon today, because every night has been a late night until now. i think we're going to go out and visit some petsmarts and petcos tomorrow and anywhere else that allows dogs. the men are coming to fix the water damage from all of the rains, and that's going to make it a little loud and crazy in here, so i know they'll be less anxious if we can just avoid it altogether. and hopefully i can convince them to fix the hole in the wall that maintenance left there a couple years ago when they had to fix something with the sprinkler system...fingers crossed. ok, screw that, i'm going to cross my arms when they come in, and tell them that it's a non-negotiable since they have all of the tools here already.

ok, so if you've been keeping up with this blog for any period of time, you know that i have a certain affinity ok, obsession with florida. something i may or may not have shared previously about my job is that we have a presence in FL! so again, if you've been following, you also know that one of my 'kindred-spirit' friends lives there, and i have been SO  close a couple of times, and have talked about moving hopefully that will be a possibility at least to travel to. only time will tell. i should ask jacira, one of my teacher friends in miami if she uses it or not...

i haven't exercised this week, and i can feel it. i think i am going to get up early (well..earlier than noon) to get out for a walk and maybe infuse it with a little jogging here and there! let's gauge it and see how it goes. i'm excited to get together with some friends tomorrow night-it seems like it's been forever.

hope you've had your own small successes!

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