Thursday, June 16, 2016

apparently "QUEEN OF ALL THINGS AMAZING" doesn't fit on the business card

 free, free, i'm free at last! this song, by dc talk, inspired by dr. martin luther king jr. was playing through my head all afternoon! summer school=OVER! woohoo!!

and i am happy to announce (drum roll please....) 
meet one of the newest Istation trainers!!
so excited to be a part of something i am very familiar with and very good at!
i had my final interview/presentation on wednesday afternoon-i was so prepared...i was expecting several people, but it was a smaller, cozy group. it went fairly well-i used a thinglink platform and allowed them to go through at their own pace and i did my part as a must have gone well, because i got a phone call today extending an offer and asking me to join the team-which i gladly accepted!

then i got a call from the vp of hr, saying how sorry she was that she couldn't join the presentation, she got there on the very tail end, as they were discussing-and they told her she missed the best presentation, that's fun to hear, because i certainly had a blast! anyhoo, we nailed down some dates and such so that i can go ahead and begin by the end of the month.

and before i knew it, i had another email (from someone different) asking me what i'd like on my business card! (i asked if i could have it read: QUEEN OF ALL THINGS AMAZING...unless it was already taken, in which case, they could just use my name...he responded that there were an awful lot of QUEEN this or thats out there already).

with all of this happening so quickly, i decided it would be best to go in today to finish up any remaining paperwork that i needed to do at cabell, and turn in my district-issued computer. i then came home and pulled up the old s-54...filled it out and submitted it.

bitter 'final'
then i decided that i needed to celebrate me, so i bought some shoes and a pair of pants i needed. while i was in getting shoes, i received a call from the vp of hr again, but i had nothing to write on...besides a band-aid (unopened, of course) and had to jot down all that info in a tiny whatcha gotta do!

so i have just over a week before i go in for my initial orientation/convention, which is being hosted here in dallas at the double tree (my understanding is that they may be getting us all rooms there, as it can be difficult getting in and out for the convention if one is not onsite)...roughing it, i guess. i was thinking about going up to mom and dad's for a bit, so i may drop off the boys and then go back to pick them up the following weekend-because it's the only real summer vacation i'll get this year!

and there you have it, things are changing-we'll see in how many different aspects, but i think it's about to get exciting around here!


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