Friday, June 3, 2016

closing a chapter-of a very interesting book called: my life

well. yesterday was the last day for students, and today was the last day for teachers-final finishing touches and packing. now i have an apartment full of crap that i need to go through and decide what i actually need to keep, and what i'll not use again anytime soon. real emotions about it. it will probably hit in august when school starts again. 

we had a luncheon, as we usually do at the end of the year, and it was really nice. we had a little bingo game about what people were doing over the summer to relax-that was fun. conversation was the usual. it was very touching to receive recognition for my time at also gave me an opportunity for closure and to thank staff and wish them the best as they move forward.
it's been a year of learning and personal growth-regardless of the challenges and frustrations...thank you
a little emotional looking at all of the faces i've laughed with, cried with, shared with...faces of amazing people who are doing the noble work of giving children the tools they need to succeed..thank you
but the truth is, while i have loved being a part of such amazing efforts, those efforts will continue and with every change, comes new opportunities-step up, cabell teachers and be leaders among yourselves! work together, help each other and be excited for each others' successes-it's a race, but we are all in it together!
it's difficult to express the attachment to cabell, regardless of the difficult times, the stress and the frustrations, because in reality those things pale in the shadow of the fun, the lessons learned and the amazing opportunities and friendships made over the years. i have learned so much and been in a position to help so many people, and to just be a presence. not everyone can say that, and i get it, but cabell will always hold a special place in my heart. 

and now i'm in a position in which i have an opportunity to make a difference in a new career..or may..i go in for the "final phase" interview/presentation the week after next, so until i have more details, i won't make too much of a deal about it. suffice it to say, i really want this because it just feels so right, and it's the first thing that i've actually been excited about in awhile (job-wise) fact, it meets much of the criteria i'd explored while going through the book: what color is your parachute-which i highly recommend to anyone who is thinking about any type of career change and just not sure what to do!
i'm not looking to get a tattoo sleeve, and i'll never just get a tat to get a tat...(cue tweety bird or any silliness). but special chapters deserve special gestures, so i did get a delta to symbolize change. very simple. and to be quite honest, it was kinda' on a whim suggested by a friend, but the symbol-on spot.
you've gotta trust a guy who has a teddy bear with minnie mouse ears in his place of business!
writing yet another letter-it's what i do.
2 1/2 more weeks to go for me, though, as summer school starts on monday. it's going to be brutal, but i plan to start each day out right and keep a smile because the kids need the encouragement!

next chapter, please.

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