Sunday, August 12, 2012

the neighbors are moving...may the next set be decent and respectable.

well, it looks like it's supposed to be a long says the wap weather's been in the triple digits, which means prime conditions for tornadoes and hail...hopefully not, but i went ahead and got it prepared.
hmm..tub or closet?
yesterday the boys were begging for a fort, but i decided it might be just as fun to build a tower/nest.
they seemed equally happy and inquisitive, but the novelty has worn off, and now they haven't touched it since yesterday-time to clean up.
today has been ridiculous. i've been trying to focus and get some things done, but chaco has been barking non-stop. finally i looked out in the breezeway to see what was going on, and saw that apparently the neighbors are moving. good. i think they're the ones that were smoking and sweeping their butts under my mat (cigarette butts, mind you)...not only that, but the other day when i was going down the stairs, there was a wad of gum that someone had spit out and someone else had stepped in it and strands were trailing down the stairs (i'll bet that person was p.o.'d).
all of their stuff is still out in the breezeway, so the boys are going to continue to bark and make sure i know what amazing guard dogs they are while the neighbors are encroaching on their space. boo. if they don't finish soon, they and their stuff is going to get wet!
so the cigarette butts, the gum...then as i was walking on the trail, other people have left trash, bags, wrappers, etc. it really disappoints me...makes me angry. i wish i could live someplace where everyone had the same values as i do...and went to sleep at the same time as i do and didn't let their dogs bark in the middle of the night...leave things better than you found them, you don't have to go to sleep when i do, but you really should be respectful and have a noise limit! grr. i ate the outside edges of the brownies i made last night...i used to not love the outer edges, but cindy, my former manager at comair gave me some good insight. she said it was her favorite part, so today i understood why. don't get me wrong, the soft part is good too, but there is something extra special about those outer edges. 

i'd like some pizza right now, but they don't deliver single slices. i guess i'll just have to whip up some tuna. boo.

here's to hoping for no hail and no tornadoes,

as soon as i posted this, bruno up and decided that he actually did want to get back up in the nest and play with his treat...
the treat fell, and he looked down, torn between the treat and wanting to put the effort to get all the way down there to get it, so i got it for him..good mama.
 so, i may leave it up for another day.

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