Wednesday, August 8, 2012

our summer fun-very simple laser pointer

i decided that this week i am a very boring individual. "here, here," said the boys in unison. so i pulled out the laser pointer today for chaco and we played for a bit. it's one of his soon as i pick it up, he starts looking all over the floor for it to come on. then i run all over the apartment with it to give him a little workout while bruno watches on and yawns, putting his leg out every once in awhile hoping to trip chaco up.
hi, laser dot.

if i leave it in one place for too long, he starts to dig at it.
we've played a little with the frisbee, a little with the squeaky toy...walks, but they won't play with toys outside-they are too distracted by everything else. i'm a little hesitant about letting them play in the grass because the winter was so warm that not all of the fleas got killed off...jessica (down at the office) said that one of the other residents was having flea problems. ok, not the resident, her dog.

i've been taking them on 15 min walks in the mornings, but yesterday, i took my own walk off to the park without them because it was above 100', and i was out for an hour-not good for little dogs who won't drink from the doggie fountains. anyhoo, it was great coming up the incline and not being tired or winded or even thinking about it as in the past. it's a gradual incline and i don't know if you can even really tell from this picture.
it's a pretty little walk, except for the annoyingly loud portion that goes by the construction site for a huge apt bldg going in-smells like downtown san jose, costa rica.
on the way back i took the long way around the pond, and the ducks were protesting the heat as well...and they still haven't cleaned out all of the algae. gross.
bottoms up!
they had the right idea-maybe i should just grab my bathing suit and go out and enjoy the pool tomorrow.

tonight we might just go down to the vitruvian park-it's supposed to be rhythm nite-see what the boys think about music at the park. if they don't like the tunes, we can just walk around the park. they call it vitruvian nites-i saw a banner the other day, and wish i'd known about it sooner! thursday nights are food truck nights...hmmm guess what i'm doing tomorrow night!?

i'm excited for my mom and dad-i mentioned that they had moved to mo. well, answer to prayer-mom got a job in her field (no, she isn't a farmer), anyhoo, she started this week, and will be doing some driving, but she seems excited about it being something a little different from before. i hope it ends up being enjoyable and full of stories, and not too stressful.

they live near the niangua river. if i ever moved back up that way, i would get a kayak! that is the big problem with dallas-not much outdoors around here to enjoy.

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