Tuesday, August 21, 2012

if i had a voodoo doll of the carpet guys,i would put them in a van and make it drive to my apt to do my carpet.

well, i got up early this morning and went through the apartment getting everything off the floor-chairs, bean bags, dog stools, stairs and ramps...moved shelves and chairs, etc. i had made an appointment for the carpet guys to clean my carpet today. i was so tired after i got everything picked up that i really didn't want to run errands or go up to the school to set up, but...i had to.

so, first stop, lowe's-we had to get some insulation stuff to put over the green/blackboard (why did they make blackboards green? so confusing for the kids!) in order to use it as a bulletin board (not sure what kinds of bulletins we're going to post...) i put the boys in the cart and in we went! i couldn't leave them at home because i was told it would be better if they weren't here while the carpet was being cleaned. chaco said he really liked the cart because it was like a roller coaster. i don't know how he figured that because he has never been to an amusement park.
weee! do it again! do it again!!
then we headed over to the school to make sure the room was set up. well, some of the stuff was done, but i really couldn't do things i really wanted to do because the file cabinets were in the middle of my room, and the extra table hadn't been brought up for my project-station...boo. so i pulled out the drill and hung the insulation-styrofoam and the small white board for objectives. then i moved the smart board to the center and hung all of my fadeless paper (thank you, lakeshore!) the boys did really well, but i forgot to take treats and toys. i know they were bored, but it was too unfamiliar to really get comfortable, so they are now exhausted.

tony, my head custodian arrived around 3, so my file cabinets got moved and he brought up my table! woo hoo! snaps to tony! i was thinking about pushing it across the floor because i was so frustrated-that would've really irked him i'm sure. they work so hard to clean and wax the floors. and they look great.

my new class computers were installed and ready to go as well. i think one of the techies saw my prize box and opened one of my student prizes. i was not amused. really? leave the wrapper in clear view? and that's not the only thing, it's like blatant disregard-they left all of the wrappers from the computer items on the floor as well as their twisty ties, etc. like they took the component out and just threw their trash on the floor. rude. unimpressed.
if he'd thrown it away, i wouldn't have even known.jerk, one less prize for my students.
after tony came in, i was able to organize the rest of my room. it's looking good..ok, it's a start anyway. i reused one set of border from last year because there are just some borders that are worthy of recycle!
they guy on the right reminds me slightly of animal from the muppets..(you might have to cross  your eyes and squint a little)
i was hoping i wouldn't have to go back tomorrow, but i have so much left to do. barf. i also need to figure out if i can get the carpet guys to come on thursday. (they only come on tues and thurs) i suppose i could bring the dogs up to my room and put them in their exercise pen...and check up on them during breaks. if they cannot do it, i may have to just suck it up and pay for it myself to be done on a saturday. i don't want to have to take a day off school to deal with it.  morons. if they'd just come when they were supposed to, my life wouldn't be ruined!!

oh, i have to go tomorrow anyway because we have new computers coming in the afternoon...it's a one-time-deal. hope my carpet guys aren't the ones distributing computers...


p.s. i am weak. i wish this joint weren't on the way home...i must turn on vitruvian way before i reach it from now on...
must.have.resolve. burger house is not your friend...but they have amazing burgers and fries!

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