Saturday, October 22, 2011

walmart is not really a relaxing break, but it got me what i needed

i'm having a very difficult time getting motivated to grade these writing papers...i finished another class earlier today and am in the middle of the 3rd class. it's just so time consuming! boo.

so i took a break and went to drop letters in the mail and run to walmart (isn't that what EVERYONE does when taking a break??) i think KANAKUK 2-4s are just ingrained into the fiber of my being...that's where we'd stop because there were relatively few options.

so, while i was there, i had to snap a pic of johnny b/c it made me think of shea-so, this one's for you, shea!
your pirate look is almost as good as his, and HE has professional makeup artists!
i will say that apparently a lot of other people needed to take breaks today as well, because it was pretty busy over at montfort and arapaho. and when i stopped by the post office to drop off my letters, the mail delivery vehicles were all lined up.
i began to wonder what in the world will they do with all those vehicles if the post office goes out of business?
will they auction them off? will they sell them to some european country where people drive on the 'wrong' side of the road? incognito secret service cars? somehow use them in the creating of green energy?

i remember in honduras my parents got a small jeep that seemed somewhat like a mail jeep. i believe it was a hyundai because it was way before they were popular, and i definitely had difficulty trying to pronounce it in my head (i never wanted to say it out loud for fear that i was wrong...and as time would tell, i WAS wrong).

this morning i used the last of my coffee, so i was very excited to see that they had a holiday favorite!!
thank you, millstone, for capitalizing on Christmas long before they even begin playing the carols on the radio.
why do they make the best coffee flavors seasonal?

the last items i had to get were to make some posters for my classroom-we need to get our transitional words up so that the kids are seeing them constantly, and begin to used them! i had a bunch done in spanish, but i need to get them up in english as well! so we're going bright on a black foam board...that seems to be eye-catching.
tonight when i got home, i browned some beef and dumped the beans, tomatoes and paste and seasonings into the crock pot. then i had to cut up some onions...well, i looked everywhere to find a clothespin because i just wanted to see if putting a clothespin on the tongue would really keep the tears from coming...i wonder how many people have actually tried that after seeing THE HELP....i didn't find one, so i got the mini processor out. unfortunately the onion was strong enough that i still got teary eyed, darned onions. so, i got it all ready and now i am waiting to turn on the crock pot until i go to bed because it takes 7-8 hrs, and i don't plan to be waking up at 3 am to turn off the crock pot...i need to get one with a timer!

going to get some coffee-the good stuff...i think it's going to be a long night!

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