Thursday, October 27, 2011

let's brand some cattle and turkeys!

it's thursday night and tomorrow is jean-ius day for our red-ribbon week...if our kids start spelling genius incorrectly, i am not going to be very happy! (although they probably already spell it incorrectly-i just want someone to blame!)

i got a call from mom last night and i am happy to say that we have made thanksgiving arrangements! we're meeting in branson. (i know, how unique and original?) but seriously, i think they really enjoy it there as much as i do! the condition was made that we needed to find a place that allowed dogs! so mom called last night, and we've got everything planned! woo hoo!

bruno was excited to see mom and dad. chaco thought i said :we're going to brand some. and so he proceeded to ask what we were going to brand. i was a little confused because i didn't really understand what he was asking. he really thought we were going to a dude ranch and branding cattle and turkeys. strange dog.
what are we gonna brand mama? what are we gonna brand?? can we do turkeys?

i finally figured out why he was asking that and i explained that we were going to BRANSON. once i showed it to him on the map, he understood. he has never been there before, so perhaps he will be impressed by shoji tabuchi and the baldknobbers...?

well, hopefully the man who was working on the fire alarm this afternoon got it fixed, because these 'fake' alarms going off are not conducive to learning! i will have no more of this! i put my foot down (and then i put the other one down and keep going in that same pattern until i am out the door,  with my class, in compliance with the fire-drill

i was going to make potato soup tonight, but i really didn't want to get out of my car to get potatoes...i'll have to get some soon because it is certainly potato soup season! i don't know why, but that just reminded me of spuds...remember spuds mckenzie?? the bud light commercial dog from the late 80's! has absolutely nothing to do with potato soup...but why would they call a dog spuds? they were probably out drinking and eating potato soup when they came up with that commercial.

oh, and in case ya'all hadn't heard, HONDURAN coffee is being sold at starbucks! check it out!!

turkey and cattle for thanks giving...instead of surf and turf i guess chaco would like it to be leather and feather...?

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