Tuesday, March 24, 2020

what are you wearing, jake from manatee emergency response?

why did i wake up at 2 am this morning? and why, pray-tell, when not able to sleep again, did i start looking on my phone and googling to see who the governors were in all 50 states? i was surprised to see how many female governors there are! also: HAM radio...why? one thought leads to another and before i knew it i was planning a desert for covid quarantine... baked apples with a hint of cinnamon. hmm...what do i have that would make a good "crumble" and not be overly unhealthy? *mentally goes through pantry, nothing there, walks to cabinet (still mentally), finally settles on oatmeal crumble...

eventually i had to turn on my pzizz app to get to sleep. it took a few minutes, but that just gave me time to pray for a myriad of things, including so many people who are out of work, worried about the next ___________ (insert worry here, rent payment, car payment, grocery bill, etc). the restaurant worker, the bartender, the artist, the entrepreneur, the most recently hired, who may be the first to be laid off when it gets too tight. economy is important, and it really stinks that we've had to go to these extremes to halt everything. #unintendedconsequences ....don't get me wrong, i get it. i understand the reasoning, but there has to be a smart way to do both. also, MAJOR praying that these drugs that have been anecdotally successful elsewhere will have a positive effect to take off some of the edge and the fear that's out there!

also on the covid19 thread, there was a FB live manatee county update today, and the guy who was the main speaker taking questions from the local commissioners was named JAKE!!! so OBviously, every time they said his name, i was like "ok, JAKE FROM STATE FARM...what are you wearing?!" we all know he was probably wearing a specialized mask and latex gloves... HA! but in that meeting, they did vote to shut down the public boat launches except for commercial fishermen because idiots be going out in large groups and amassing on the local sandbars and beer can island (which was also shut down) ...a few idiots ruin it for everyone. for the love, people, is it so hard to not be stupid? this is why we can't have nice things...apparently nice things make us feel entitled and invincible. if i had a boat, i would be so mad at these people- it would be throw-down time. probably a good thing i do not have a boat!

OH MY GOODNESS!! i almost forgot!! another thing that came to mind when i was mulling the intricacies of life at 2:45 am... my TENT! for whatever reason, my brain decided that this was the appropriate time to think about how fun it would be to buy a box fan and set up my tent in the 2nd garage. yep. i made a sleepy mental note to check the dimensions to determine if i could set it up and where i would put the kayak. so yes, i actually did remember to look at the dimensions this afternoon when i saw the tent in garage #1, and i think it might actually work! but it didn't seem like quite as brilliant of an idea when i was awake and coherent. still...it's out there, if i need a change of scenery! figure out a way to make fake smores...isn't there like smore's ice cream, cereal, etc? maybe that's the key, maybe i do a theme- camping with smores, and every meal is something smore-ish. maybe not. the by product of covid19 = stupidity thinking.

and ya'all. how incredible is ford? (i got to visit the ford museum and park when i was a youngster, but that is a story for a different time!) first off, they are already working on retrofitting to help build the much-needed 3m masks, face shields, and ventilators...#KUDOS ! but also, did you know, back in the day the stopped everything to create B52 bombers back in WWII?! AND they also met the need to provide IRON LUNGS back when they were needed for polio victims?! that makes me so proud of them for filling the need! when asked about if they were going to get paid for this, the ceo said, we'll sort that out later, there is a need and we're going to first meet the need! (the american spirit-may it never die!) don't get me wrong, i'm sure they know that one way or another they will probably get paid handsomely for these items, but also it keeps so many people in work that might have otherwise lost jobs. #thanksford #totallyagainstnationalizing

so, one of the things that was mentioned on today's county update was one of the commissioners suggesting closing emerson point! WHAT?! (it's a good thing i don't know what he looks like, or who he is, or what kind of car he drives!) that was were i was able to go get out on saturday, and i didn't see very many people there. it was pretty isolated where i was, so i'm not sure where he got his views from. he mentioned groups of people congregated on the shore lines...first of all, there aren't really any beaches, and if there is shoreline and large groups congregating, send out officers, and ticket those idiots! c'mon, now.

if we're friends on fb, you have probably already seen the following, but these are views from emerson point. again, i was there in the afternoon, and it was in the 80s, and humid, so i didn't cross the path of many. emerson point is just across the river and around the bend, across the river from desoto national park- i think of the two as 'sister parks' because they seem to mirror each other, with desoto being the history from the spanish settlers' view, and emerson being more the indigenous perspective. there is an archaeological mound there and information about the livelihood of the natives. emerson has more trails and hiking mileage. i got in my 10k plus steps, so i was quite satisfied. one set of trails borders a stream and almost the entirety of the trails has great shade coverage. there are great views to the bay and to the river. as i said i encountered few humans-less than 12 the entire 2 hours i was there, and no sneezing or coughing, so i feel pretty safe about it. but for precaution's sake, i lysoled before getting in the car, and hand sanitizing. the longer trails on the north side are very sandy-dirt, and when i got home, i could see exactly HOW dirty when i shed the socks and shoes and saw the dirt line, taking me back to childhood days of playing outside and getting dirtier than one should..but i suppose that's the best way to keep that immune system up? or so i tell myself. i will likely return with visitors, but i do prefer Robinson Preserve, with the specialized trail and the manicured shell trails. that said, i did enjoy a couple very remote spots in the preserve where the birds were really chattering and it was lovely!

the view from the 'lookout tower'- refreshing

there were a couple people fishing off the end of the dock, and there were a couple guys out waist-deep fishing about 1/4 mile down the shoreline.

the bee hotel- a place for different types of bees to come hang out

lots of open space. there is a kayak launch here that might be worth checking out.
so that was weekend fun.

let me bring you back to this week... things are crazy and moving at warp speed- almost faster than it probably needs to be. this means many group meetings and webinars and conference calls, some of them overlapping, which makes it hard to compartmentalize and separate to pinpoint what was said during which meeting and who else happened to be in those same meetings...so it will be a practice in organization to keep everything straight!

i think that is where we are for right now! now, remember how i mentioned HAM radio earlier? well, i'm glad i had the presence of mind to recall that and have bookmarked the page i was looking at, because i think i might revisit it...perhaps, maybe there will be a HAM radio operator license in my future- only time will tell!

have a great evening- no hoarding!

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