Monday, March 23, 2020

don't touch me, don't breathe on me...i mean just don't even look at me!

oh goodness...well, just washed my hands, lysoled everything in the room...noticing how much gravitational pull my face has in relationship to my hands.

so much going on! what a strange time. i suppose with that, there will be plenty of time to go back and do some catching up, but for now, let's try to start with today and move our way back-with what i'm sure will be some time hiccups, because it will be current events mixed with past events, but i will do my best to not confuse you with the timeline!

so starting with today, it is monday again. does this work from home gig remind anyone of groundhog's day? just checking, i'm used to it, so perhaps there will be a tips corner to come... the difference is i enjoyed saying, "i GET to work from home!" and that has changed for everyone to: i HAVE to work from just doesn't have the same ring! but some of you are, i'm sure, enjoying not putting on the make-up, doing the hair, etc. or you may be like one of my friend who can't help but dress up and always be 'on' (karla, lookin' at you! i'm just jealous that you have that much motivation! ALWAYS! #yougogirl)

so, i think florida has done an unofficial lock-down, or then again, maybe it's official, i did see that it was one of the few states that showed red on the map, but that could mean anything when you have the sound on mute. could mean: lock-down, most cases of the virus, most idiots out on the beach from other states invading the beaches and spreading the virus and infecting others because they have no clue they're asymptomatic i said, could be pretty much anything.

even before the POTUS made the STAY HOME suggestion, i was trying to be mindful. i'm pretty good at isolating myself, and avoiding people. i tend to do this naturally when i shop as well (dodging people, looking for empty aisles to avoid traffic..) i did my last big 'shopping spree' last week, and i'm not one of those buy everything people. in other words, you wouldn't look at my cart and roll your eyes, i'm fairly practical and rational. besides, i have a bunch of the perishables, as that is part of hurricane preparedness. and i'd already gotten my 12 rolls of tp the week before everyone started panic buying (because i was legit out). and i'd gotten the multipack kleenex boxes before it was the 'in thing' to do. so yes, i have my emergency manwich, cheerios and tuna, which for real won't get eaten until the gates are padlocked and aliens are hovering over the community pool...

i knew that our county parks and preserves are still open, so i decided to get up early this morning to walk the track over at Robinson Preserve. it was a beautiful morning with a slight mist when i arrived. exercise is still a permissible 'get-out' so i got out early, as there are so few people wanting to venture out at that hour. the track there is about 10-12 ft wide, so plenty of distance if people are passing by. and i am always on the awares to make sure i run the opposite direction if i see anyone cough or sneeze! seriously though, i have yet to come across anyone who seems to have symptoms of such. i know, i know that doesn't mean they aren't 'carriers', which is why i haven't been going up to randoms and collecting their sweat, or wiping my brow on their shorts... #takingprecautions so yes, it was a gorgeous morning, and i may make this a routine since the beach is shut down. i may intermittently get over to cortez village and walk the empty streets over there and do the bridge if i can find parking at the museum park. that's really the only getting out that i've been doing. so yes, taking it seriously. in fact today i almost called out a group of 'walkers' i mean, there were like 6 of them in a cluster 2 ft or less! ugh. and they were 60+ they not watch the news? let's not go blaming just the millennials! i DID give them a dirty look...or maybe i just thought it.
look at that mist!

watch with sound on!

as my cousin suggested- zen and calming!

i will say that i've been able to participate in one of my favorite pastimes- letter-writing. so that's fun too...the only thing is i don't have much in the line of great stationery stash at this time, and when i was at the store the other day, i couldn't find any covid19 cards, so i decided too bad, so sad, it may just end up being legal paper with donut stickers ore something fun like that. and i'm getting a little nervous looking at my stamp-situation...i may have to go to the post-office, if i can find an off-time...i mean, since anthrax scare isn't a thing anymore.
i may have to make my own COVID19 cards...
so, for the time being, lysol your life, take your temperature and consider all you can do to stay safe!

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