Tuesday, December 11, 2012

testing, kisses, and pub ed (as in a pub and education)

so yesterday was our first writing assessment-composition writing. the night before i wrote the word 'kisses' on my hand as a reminder. i had to swing by walmart so that i could pick up hershey's kisses, as i had run out of peppermint and cherry cordials...hopefully no one saw my hand; i mean, what would the neighbors say?!

well, i got a later start than i had anticipated, and at 6:56 on my way out the gate, i was debating whether i really needed to go or not. i didn't make up my mind until i reached the turn to school and kept going straight- once again thankful for the local neighborhood walmart. just to find that when i got there, i only saw the cherry cordials...i frantically searched the aisle. no luck then i noticed one of those plastic candy canes and against my better judgement, i bought them even though i was mostly paying for the stupid candy-cane container, to receive a fraction of the love. boo.

and when i got to school, it had slipped my mind that we had our test, and it had also slipped my mind that that evening was Pub Ed. luckily i left the lights on at the apartment and their favorite t.v. show: sounds of the season. i think they're trying to memorize songs to give mom and dad a concert when we visit over Christmas.

since we had the testing, i was relieved that i had gotten the kisses. i was able to put a mixture in my pocket and then randomly pull them out so that i would be surprised by whichever one i pulled out. i mean..50/50 chance, i know, but i still feigned excitement and surprise. i amused myself...deal wid it.

when 5:30 finally rolled around, natalie, one of my 4th grade counter-parts at school, had decided to go with dallas, another co-worker and me. so we took off and then we located the west end pub and found our group...front and center-we were amongst the first to arrive-best seating!

it was actually interesting conversation because we had some community members in our group-a gal from dr. pepper (i should have asked her if she had any connections to a diet dr. pepper IV...as in you put it in the bag and let it drip) and we had a guy from CIS (communities in schools). our conversation revolved around changing demographics in dallas and what could be done or if there was a good approach. then right before we were preparing to leave, a board member had joined our group, but i think natalie and i totally missed that conversation; but dallas was sucked in, and it really sounded interesting after he told us about it...unfortunately, we had kinda' decided on a time-which we had already passed...so natalie and i had our coats on, standing in dallas' eyesight so that he could bow out of the conversation at some point, and as we were standing there, there were a couple of video games. i guess, what pub doesn't have a good video game? 

ANIMATED VIOLENCE MILD....so, i guess you don't have to drain the blood, skin it and hang it to make venison.
 and today was a very normal day. we finally think we've come up with our next comprehensive test. that's a good feeling!

then this afternoon as i was looking through some old practice tests, i got my keys (the ones hanging around my neck) stuck in the file cabinet hole. nice.  so i worked frantically to dislodge it-as i would need it to lock and unlock my door...plus, i didn't need tony, our custodian walking in, seeing me stuck in the file cabinet. i suppose need be, i could've slipped out of it, but i finally tugged hard enough to free the key!
nothing to see here...keep moving.
 well, that's all i got,

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