Tuesday, September 25, 2012

oil and water..homogenous, heterogeneous or just water-logged?

it was a good day! we got a lot done-i was finally able to get my isip done, which was a relief! a special thanks to maria for reminding me how to get into the teacher page to print off the student cards! i kinda' wanted to use the time to get something done while they were testing, but i felt the need to walk around and make certain that they were on task so we could make it to lunch on time!
silly test-i wonder how they did.
 today we were learning about solutions in science, so i definitely taught my students the words homogenous and heterogeneous (in spanish, of course)...we will review that tomorrow. anyhoo, we did a little oil and water tower in a little jar(-or rather several little jars) so that they could predict what would happen if they shook up the jar. and of course, i had to repeat this for all three classes. so tonight i brought those little pill-bottle sized jars home to wash. they are so narrow that only one finger fits in there to swish the water and soap around, and i kept jamming my finger in there just a little too hard, and the water kept squirting out at me (namely at my boob-more than once). it was almost like one of those far side comics, in which the grapefruit always squirts into some weird-looking dude's eye.

after a change of shirts, i have decided that the best course of action is to just let them soak for a bit.

bruno and chaco are stoked that the new ncis is on and they no longer have to watch news 24/7, nor reruns.

at school today, we also had a fire-drill; and as i looked down the line, i noticed that dorothy was in our line! returned from oz, because she had on her ruby-reds! and they were sparkling in the sun!
tornado drill might've been more appropriate!
and on the way home i had to stop off at the post office to drop off two parcels for dear amiguitas in other parts of this vast country we live in...when i got there, i was going through my little purse-bag and found a little surprise:
why was there a nut in my purse? and a bit one at that! what on earth? i certainly do not recall putting it in there!
i mentioned that the boys are excited about fresh new t.v. shows playing--this was chaco last night, just chillin', laid back and slightly bored.
and now we return to our regularly scheduled programming...thank you very much
tomorrow we're working on editing-we shall see how that goes, then we should be able to finish our final draft within the next couple of days-interested to see how they turn out.

good night, and goodnight!

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