Tuesday, February 14, 2012

cacao-the seed of chocolate...the essence of valentines day...take off the o and that's what you'll feel like if you eat too much.

well, i made it through the day! being a teacher means lots of things, but on valentine's day it means you earn a treasure trove of chocolates and other goodies. none of which is on my diet. so i packed up a bag and gave it to marlon, our janitor and i brought the wonderful lindt truffles back for shannon and mandie-i thought they would appreciate them. i did pretend i was super excited to get everything, though! it does make one feel special to receive love in the form of candy-the thoughts behind it were received in full.
there was more, this is only half of the box...
and i had one student who was especially thoughtful- i love tulips! i was so happy to see them after being bummed about all the fun candy!
and tonight's romantic celebration is a little t.v., drying zucchini to prepare it for cooking and a little coffee. i know, i know, it's almost too much to handle!

i am thrilled about tomorrow! it's payday and more importantly, the central market on preston and royal is scheduled to open tomorrow!! i am so going! maybe there will be some special kind of grand opening gimmick...fingers crossed! i'm sure it will be an adventure for the books!

and today the dogs caught a little winged animal and started playing with it and then it was laying motionless on the ground. i got a little closer and saw that it was actually cupid. sad day...cupid is in poor condition, but he might recuperate...bruno said he wants cupids for snack from now on. grr.

hope everyone is feeling loved, or at least satisfied by chocolate...

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