Saturday, December 31, 2011

nye-preparations-safety and security...that's all!

well, it was all over face book in case you missed it, let me wish you a happy new year!
be safe! play nice!

today i had to get out and away from the complex to study, and i had a craving for chili's chips and salsa. so i went over the vocabulary words i had written down this morning and pored over them (about 750 words)...uf. but i got a lot more done there than i would have staying here all day!

have you ever gone into a restaurant, looked at the menu and not found one thing you thought you'd like and left? well, it definitely happened today when 3 people came in and stood up and left about 3 minutes later. hmm...i could maybe understand if you went to an obscure hole in the wall joint that had an ambiguous name and served strange food like armadillo ribs or something, but chili's? you came in not knowing what kind of food you might encounter? pretty run-of-the-mill.

before i left, i ordered the quesadilla explosion to go so i would have lunch tomorrow. after i paid, i left and decided to go to walmart for some small necessities that i needed to make me feel safer-will share those in a moment. but as i got about 5 blocks from chili's, i realized that i had forgotten the to-go bag at my booth at chili's! boo. what a waste of time. i turned around to go get it and thankfully the server didn't laugh in my face! i'm pretty sure the family at the table across from me was wishing i hadn't come back so they could snag it...jerks.
i'm very excited about lunch tomorrow! thank you anna brawner for introducing me to the quesadilla explosion!
when i got to walmart, i knew exactly what i needed, so it was quick-until i got to the checkout line. i went to the 10 items or less, and i think a family was in front of me and they divided their goodies amongst them to avoid the long lines. jerks..must be related to the restaurant family that was eyeing my food....(not really)

when i got home, i was thrilled to finally get my pur filter into the filter-contraption! i just don't have any confidence in the city's ability to treat my tap water well enough for me to want to drink it. i need the tap water for coffee and soda stream, but like i said, can't do it without the purifier!
so, you can see why this is the first product that i purchased that adds to my safety!
the other item is not as much safety as it is security, and i told you about it yesterday.
i did take the last batch the other night, so like i said, it's a necessity to have on-hand when needed!
ok, i've just watched 5 episodes of dog the bounty hunter, and secretly (or not so secretly now), i kinda' like it!

i remember when NYE used to be so much more exciting-at my parents church, they used to have ping pong tournaments, board games, etc. in HONDURAS we used to go out and shoot off fireworks- if i remember correctly, one year some of us climbed the water tower behind my house and took pizza and cokes up and watched all of the fireworks from up there. that was pretty cool.

well, one more dry run of the test tonight and it'll be time to pop the confetti-things!

p.s. in all seriousness, may you have a blessed new year full of fun adventures and wonderful memories!

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