Wednesday, March 30, 2011

hair...don't make me make you behave!

let me begin with a huge shout-out to whomever is in singapore and canada, and my dear friend erika in HONDURAS! (yippee!! i'm international!) i woke up and found the one dark colored hair (the black sheep if you will) on my head. i believe this is the hair that is causing all of the problems. i usually keep my hair in a pony tail because it is naturally curly and probably more zumba than pilates. i wants to come out and play! in fact, lately even when i have it constrained in the death-trap of a hairband, little cc (curly cue) wants to come out and play..i tried a barrette up front, but it reminded me of the cave woman pictures with the bone in their hair, so i ditched that idea real quick. i guess i'll just leave her alone and let her hang out on my forehead..i mean, she's not hurting anyone. (if cc picks a fight with anyone, THEN i will have to create a plan of action, but until then, i'm not going to put her on the salon equivalent of hair keeps her personality). HAIR-1, JULIE-0

there's cc just hangin out. um..oh! she's waving!

and...little black sheep....causing all of the problems. (con el ceño fruncido)
  obviously if i'm talking about my hair, there must not be a whole lot else going on...ok, there is, but i don't think i'm going to discuss anything too serious here today!

i am happy to report that the dehydrated watermelon is a hit, and my co-worker gigi loved it (i'd like to call this a shout out, but it's not really because i'm not shouting..not whispering...i guess 'mental snaps' because it's not really a golf clap, but mentally i am snapping my fingers because i'm too lazy to clap...and did i really just write all of that because i didn't want to call it a shout out? yes. yes, as a matter of fact i did. deal wid it!)

tonight i am hoping to get my computer taken care of so that i can do this blogging thing from the comfort of my own home.

may your hair be merry and bright and may all of your Christmases be white,
(yes, i know it's not Christmas, but the music was in my head)

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