Wednesday, October 12, 2011

what do you get when you drink coffe and diet dr. pepper? nothing...just a bathroom break.

i knew today was going to be this kind of a day because i didn't get to bed until after midnight last night trying to finish revising ninety fourth grade expository papers so that my students can understand what revision looks like.
literally picked up the coffee in one hand, took a sip, then picked up the diet dr. pepper in the other hand
for whatever reason, the hot and cold go together, and then the bitter and sweet kinda' go together. anyone with me on this? if so, just nod your head, i'm sure i'll feel it.  i suppose it worked because i am still awake, and i made it through the day. coherently, even!

while i was listening in on a conversation, i heard a couple of ladies trying to figure out what half of 37 was. and after spending a couple of minutes, one of them said to the other, "that's why i don't help my daughter with her math homework...she won't let me." hmm...

and in the mail today i got a letter from fema...they wanted to sell me some flood insurance. apparently they didn't look at the address or realize that when an apt number ends in the 30's, it means 3rd floor! and there's a drought...and the average rainfall is 76 mm/month.

tonight needs to be an early night because tomorrow we have long stinkin day!

ok, be hot or cold, or i will spit you out of my mouth (that's biblical, but that's what i often tell my drinks as well),

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